…lowship-i-q-quiz/ ‎Family Fellowship I.Q. Quiz

What if you could avoid teen rebellion at your house? Of course, everyone wants that! But ever wonder if your family has enough fellowship? Okay, maybe not. Fellowship is the gentle art of companionship. Fellowship matters in families, especially to teenagers. Now that we mentioned fellowship in families, I bet you are wondering how yours stacks up. Therefore, we created the Family Fellowship I.Q. Quiz just for you!

Avoid Teenage Rebellion: Family Fellowship I. Q. Quiz

People told me early on that all kids rebel. You have heard the theory: that rebellion is a natural part of growing up and kids have to establish their own identity. However, the gentle art of companionship is pretty much the opposite of icky teenage tantrums. So, what’s the deal with teen rebellion?

“Dave, I was so rebellious as a teenager,” I worried one day to my young husband, “I bet our kids will rebel because sin gets passed down through the generations, right?”

He laughed. “No way. Our kids will not rebel. You watch.”

I was skeptical, but I decided to buy into his faith, a confidence I did not have myself. Just to be on the safe side, I also began to search the scriptures for the root causes of rebellion in children. I paid close attention to the families ahead of us, too.

Some Kids Avoid Teen Rebellion

I started noticing how many of our friends had teenagers who refused to hang out at family friendly events. Then I noticed lots of other patterns. Still, we knew some great teenagers, young people who were fun to be around. They exuded confidence and laughed a lot. No bad attitudes. Turns out David was right after all. Thank God. Apparently, there are lots of things you can do to promote fellowship in your family and avoid teenage rebellion altogether. In honor of the truth that kids do NOT have to rebel, here is a fun little quiz to rate your Family’s Fellowship Intelligence Quotient.

The Family Fellowship I. Q. Quiz
  1. When our kids resist going along with our plans, we ask good questions about why they do not want to participate?
  2. In their early teens, my children often go to events with their parents?
  3. As parents, even though we have differences of opinion on the small stuff, we talk out the big stuff and present a solid front?
  4. Our family may sacrifice to see our kids get a jumpstart on opportunities in the future, but we refuse to sacrifice time together?
  5. Our teenagers often pop in with their buddies now that they are driving?
  6. One of my children asked me for advice this past week?
  7. Can I truly love and respect the people my kids married?
  8. I feel bad about some of my adult children’s decisions now because I wonder if I could have changed something I did along the way?
Never Too Late for Fellowship

No matter the age of your kids, from newborn to adult, now is a great time to start cultivating fellowship in your family. Parents of toddlers can start building a future that includes good strategies. If your kids are older, 8 “yeses” means you are blessed with fellowship in your family. On the other hand, if you have a “no” or two in the in the mix, no worries. Even if your children are grown with children of their own, putting strategies into place now brings the gentle art of companionship home to your family today. Now that you have a hint about how well your family masters the art of gentle companionship, stay tuned. In coming blogs, I am going to address each one of the eight areas above with real specific and practical ideas to keep growing your family fellowship. 

Cathy Krafve, Texas Author, Columnist, Speaker, and Radio Personality, specializing in Christian Marriage and Family invites your stories, ideas, and questions at Truth with a Texas Twang.