Intimacy ReImagined: Faith Informs Our Relationships

Getting ready for Easter at our house. Would you use the words intimacy and imagination in the same sentence at church? I sure wouldn’t. Intimacy brings to mind sexual conduct (or misconduct) these days, rather than multifaceted, whole-hearted relationships....

Compassion, Please! After Abortion Healing with Dr. Grace English

As a physician, she knows more about the physical, emotional, and mental symptoms of trauma after abortion than most folks. Post-abortive herself, Dr. Grace English’s unique viewpoint includes a healthy dose of compassion and empathy. After abortion healing is...

When Folks Refuse to Hear: 8 Tips for Break Through Communication

Oh, the frustration! To say something important and no one listens! Often, conversations break down instead of breaking through. Truth with a Texas Twang! We’ve all been there. Instead, how do we create break through communication moments? Designed for Communication...