Raising Creative Kids: Giving Them a Childhood Filled with Wonder, with Whitney Patterson

A childhood filled with wonder can inspire life-long learning, especially if you’re raising creative kids. We often think we’re not gifted in science, but Discovery Science Place’s Whitney Patterson says nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Whitney...

Influence in a Flash, How to Make the Most of Five Minute Conversations

I know, I know, even influential people need to slow down a minute and get a conversation right. But, what about a quick fix? Sometimes we need influence in a flash, so we can keep moving. Conversational Treadmills Obviously, some conversations are drawn out. We can’t...

Beyond Brokenness: How to Be Relationship Superheroes with Suzy Shepherd

I drove 450 miles to meet Suzy Shepherd; two of us Texas gals in Missouri brought together by a love of communicating good news. She shared of being broken when her first marriage failed. At that point, she turned to God to put all her relationships in order. Two...

Cell 121: How to Respond When Your Child Goes to Jail with Lori Boruff

Have you ever had “your own personal nine-eleven moment”? A personal nine-eleven is what my friend Lori Boruff called that crisis moment when she knew her son was arrested. When a child goes to jail, the pain is excruciating. But, in Lori’s case, there’s...