by Cathy Krafve | Jun 30, 2017 | Companionship, Fellowship, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships, Teenagers
Teens Hang Out? Preteen Party Crashers Do your teens hang out? Oh, the drama of preteens and teenage children. All teens hang out. Of course, most parents want their teens to hang with them sometimes at least, even if it means picking up junk food wrappers. Preteen...
by Cathy Krafve | Jun 16, 2017 | Communication, Community, Companionship, Conversation, Culture, Divorce, Family, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, Insecurities, Marriage, Marriage Problems, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
Depressing Marriage? Here are 3 quick ways to beat the marital blues. You can spark things up in your heart and marriage before the sun sets. Marriage can be downright depressing. Maybe some people come to marriage with the skills I took a life time to acquire, but I...
by Cathy Krafve | Jun 2, 2017 | Communication, Companionship, Conversation, Education, Family, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, Insecurities, Marriage, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
When Children Refuse to Go Along: Ask Good Questions Raising independent thinkers challenges the best parents. When children refuse to go along: ask good questions. Family plans can get complicated when a child decides to resist. Toddlers may stubbornly refuse to...
by Cathy Krafve | May 26, 2017 | Companionship, Fellowship, Marriage Problems, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships
My husband and I don’t agree on much. Opposites are like that. Lotsa chemistry, not too much agreement. But parents are supposed to present a united front, right? After all, we are mature adults, right? If only. I don’t know about you and your opposite,...
by Cathy Krafve | May 19, 2017 | Fellowship, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships
“I’m a mild-mannered person who has an extremely strong willed children. How do I cope?” Thank you for asking the question all parents of future leaders ask about our strong willed children. Certain kids are just born to be influential. You can spot...
by Cathy Krafve | May 7, 2017 | Companionship, Fellowship, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships
“I feel like how I am parenting is wishy-washy. How can I be consistent? How do I know what is right?” First, thank you! You really hit the nail on the head. All parents and grandparents sometimes feel ambivalent! This question filled my heart with...
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