Romance, Love, and My Passion: Writing for You

This month I’m writing about romance, love, and my passion: writing for you. Plus, I want to catch you up with how our topics are evolving. I kinda owe it to ya because you’ve stuck with me for a long time! Besides, I love my reading and listening friends...

Sex, Marriage, Dad’s Day and Chris Legg’s Book

If you know Ginger and Chris Legg, you know if they can help you they will. I had this photo of Chris from the Father’s Day podcast. Remind me to take a selfie with Ginger and Chris next time we’re together. For example, six years ago, I finally took a...

Special Event in April: Inside Out Church, All are Welcome

A very special event is happening in April. Maybe, like me, your heart is full of redemption and restoration because Resurrection Day is around the corner! If so, Inside Out Church will knock your socks off! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Happy Easter! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Special Event: Inside Out...

Bipolar: Standing Firm with Hope and Comfort

I wish I knew more about living with bipolar. Of course, we all love someone with bipolar. Is it just me or is bipolar common? If only we could comfort and strengthen families who stand firm in the face of mental health challenges. Find more from Yvette at...