Treatments for E.D.: Wives CAN Help with Dr. James McAndrew 

Retired Urologist Dr. Jim McAndrew talks about treatments for E.D. on Fireside Talk Radio. Find our other interview. This week, Dr. James McAndrew returns to answer more questions about E.D. (erectile dysfunction) treatments.  ❤️ And we’re celebrating...

E.D.: No Gimmicks, Just Straight Answers from Dr. James McAndrew

I thought it was a little crazy to ask Dr. Jim McAndrew about E.D. (erectile dysfunction) at a social gathering. Quietly. I wanted him to come on Fireside Talk Radio. But he tells me I wasn’t the only one asking that night. Apparently, people ask him about E.D....

Dark Clouds Threaten: Keeping the Sunshine of Joy

Kristin Faith Evans is the mother of two beloved children with unrelated, unpredicted rare genetic birth disorders. She’s learned the secret of keeping life filled with joy even when dark clouds threaten.  Kristin Faith Evans knows the secret of keeping life...

Dark Place or Mommy Care? Oxygen and Comfort for Mom

All parents get in a dark place sometimes. All. Yet, when there is anything complicated with our kids, our life can go to a dark place in a big hurry. Welcome to today’s interview with my new friend, Kristin Faith Evans. You are in for a treat in so many ways. I...

Battle Ready Marriage: 8 Tips for Preparing Your Family for Any Challenge 

They met and fell in love in high school, sweethearts married over 30 years now. When her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, glioblastoma, everything in Tamara’s life turned upside down. CrossRiver Media Publisher Tamara Clymer came on the show to talk about...

Battle Ready Faith: For Battles You Don’t Expect to Fight

How do families look when they are battle ready, no matter what Life dishes out? Is your family battle ready to face a major crisis? CrossRiver Media Publisher Tamara Clymer says it’s possible to build a battle ready faith. And she has the battle to prove it. “About...