Cell 121: How to Respond When Your Child Goes to Jail with Lori Boruff

Have you ever had “your own personal nine-eleven moment”? A personal nine-eleven is what my friend Lori Boruff called that crisis moment when she knew her son was arrested. When a child goes to jail, the pain is excruciating. But, in Lori’s case, there’s...

Freedom for Men: Winning the Battle for Purity with Dave Howe

Every where we look, only a phone screen away, it seems the porn battle has taken over our culture. Is there anything a woman can do to help safeguard the hearts of her sons and her husband? Winning the Porn Battle Would you go on the radio and talk about porn? If it...

Unexpected Parenting: Finding Joy When the Sonogram is a Diagnosis with Katie Butts

Sonogram and diagnosis are not two words any of us want to hear in the same sentence. How do you handle the fear that comes with a sonogram diagnosis? Katie Butts knew her child had “limb differences” before she knew he was a son. Two Great Conversations with Katie #1...