by Cathy Krafve | Apr 4, 2020 | Communication, Companionship, Culture, Education, Family, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, History, Parenting, Prayer, Sandwich Generation
Fireside Talk Radio Co-host Anna Krafve Pierce as a child who loved to Dress Up Maybe you’ve noticed: homeschooling shifts the center of gravity. Suddenly, our little family was no longer scurrying around between activities. Instead, we were laughing and...
by Cathy Krafve | Apr 2, 2020 | Communication, Community, Companionship, Culture, Family, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, Insecurities, Prayer
How do we handle uncertainty? Spirited women spark up some really personal, practical WISDOM. Sandra Beck. Frankie Picasso. Geraldine Teggelove. Shirley Enebrad. Wow! What an honor to be invited to a SparkLite panel discussion! Thank you, Sandra Beck, for including...
by Cathy Krafve | Mar 28, 2020 | Care Giving, Communication, Companionship, Culture, Education, Family, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Parenting, Prayer, Sandwich Generation
How did your homeschooling go last week? Still stuttering with surprise? Feeling a little overwhelmed about this week? No problem! Here’s Week 2 No-fail Lesson Plans. You got this! These are so simple, you can implement them while you figure out what else you may need...
by Cathy Krafve | Mar 26, 2020 | Communication, Community, Companionship, Culture, Death, Education, Fear, History, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
Now is a time for faith not fear. One thought comforts me more than all others. In the midst of crisis, God still (maybe especially) is seeking us. He desires a relationship with us. If you are wondering how He could possibly love you, let me assure you of one thing....
by Cathy Krafve | Mar 12, 2020 | Care Giving, Communication, Community, Companionship, Education, Family, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, Insecurities, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
Toie Martin, Positive Change Expert and yep, native Texan. For ten years, tenderly serving patients matched her deep passion. Going to work each day was a joy. Her employers rewarded her with promotions. Then, she got her first bad boss. Things were about to change...
by Cathy Krafve | Feb 27, 2020 | Communication, Community, Companionship, Culture, Family, Fellowship, Marriage, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
Soon to be Released!Watch for Your Party Invite Here! My email account is filled with awkward requests right now. Not from other people either. These awkward requests go out from me to people I really admire. No pressure. Awkward Requests It’s time to nail down...
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