New friend Shelley Lowe and I at Monkey and Dog books in Fort Worth.

Naturally, things have been crazy at my house! Nothing new about that! I hate to confess it, but, when David wanted to do something special for our anniversary, I groaned. Who has time to travel! However, always the superb negotiator, David quickly dangled the ultimate carrot—Delight*Full Bookstores in Fort Worth!

“If you’ll go away with me, we can spend the whole weekend checking out bookstores,” he enticed, grinning in victory even before I could answer.

If you’re wondering why I’m spelling Delight*Full in such an odd way, I’m wondering the same thing! Primarily, I hope this makes my favorite Delight*Full Bookstores in Fort Worth or anywhere else easier to find on the internet. So, please, let me know what you think. Also, send us your own favorite Delight*Full bookstores all over Texas and the globe.

Confessions of a Chronic Bibliophile

Yep, I caved in immediately to David’s persuasive powers, packing my suitcase for a literary getaway. In spite of years of struggling to communicate our way to a delightful marriage, what can I say? The man knows my weakness. 

But, honestly, what could be better than spending a weekend browsing cozy bookstores in Fort Worth, Texas! Best of all, we even connected with dear old friends. What a blast! Plus, we added some new friends to our collection of fellow bibliophiles, including Shelley Lowe and Brian Perkins. 

Then, we came back home loaded with more books to read. Think of books as the anniversary gift that keeps on giving!

Delight*Full Bookstores in Fort Worth: What We Discovered

Just because I love ya, I’m going to share our favorite book stores from that fun weekend. I’m sorting by the personalities of the stores, not in order of best. Clearly, I love each store so much I couldn’t possibly rank them. Besides, you’ll recognize right away which ones fit your own personality. To me, book stores comprise a very personal relationship.

For Kids with Moms and Grandmoms

Monkey and Dog Books, nestled away in an unmarked storefront, constitutes heaven for a day spent with little ones. Or, by yourself in a refreshing mommy time moment.

Near the Kimball Art Museum, oh, the creative, contagious joy of owner, Shelley Lowe! You’ll know immediately Shelley understands the imaginative child in each of us. Decorated with handmade toys and whimsical art, her shelves groan under the weight of books for all ages.

Shelley enjoys such a loyal fan base, she doesn’t even need a real sign! I included a picture so you’ll know her shop when you see it! Ah, the gumption of this amazing entrepreneur! Plus, on any given Saturday, Shelley’s gift of hospitality manifests itself in creative arrays of fun events designed to dazzle bibliophiles like us.

From book clubs to game nights to BuJo workshops, you’ll love the community Shelley inspires. Your children, your grandchildren, all the book lovers in your family can thank me later. You’re welcome! (If you stop by Dog and Monkey Books, please give Shelley a hug from me!)

Oh, the Stories!

Love at first sight best describes my relationship with Barber’s Bookstore, sometimes called the Back Door Bookstore. Not only is the owner Bryan Perkins a consummate story-teller, but he relishes literary treasures. Floor to ceiling shelves boast previously-loved books in every genre at prices sure to trigger the collector in all of us!

Brian inherited his love of books from his dad who started their passion for collecting rare and unusual books, as well as current pop favorites. Then, there’s Brian’s aptitude for collecting priceless stories from local readers, collectors, and authors from around the world. 

From Reader to Writer

Each week, Brian morphs from reader to writer, posting quirky historic notes about literature and the people who love it on Facebook. Plus, interesting trivia about rare books currently on his shelves. Be sure and check out what he’s posted lately. Here’s an excerpt:

“If you met Dink Starns you never forgot it. He had an endless supply of jokes and stories from Texas history and from his youth in Fort Worth. An avid reader, he was a self-educated man who could hold his own in any company rich or poor,” Brian writes, from his September 22, 2019 post. Brian goes on to share stories he heard personally when Dink visited the bookstore, including stories from Dink’s first job working in Fort Worth’s famous stock yards. 

Texas Traditions for Any Twang

Even if you don’t hale from the great state of Texas, you’ll love Texas Star Books collection of Texas literary paraphernalia. Why? Because where else could you find such an extensive collection of cowboy books, American frontier history, or writings on a variety of subjects by Texas authors.

Of course, fellow writers will appreciate the scope of their research material. If it relates to Texas in any obscure way, they probably collected it. (Watch for more Texas history from Texas Antebellum scholar, Dr. Danny Sessums, in an upcoming interview for Fireside Talk Radio.)

With a show room in the Montgomery Street Antique Mall, it’s worth a visit to see what’s currently on their shelves. Plus, who can resist rhinestone gems dating back to your grandmother’s era in the surrounding booths? Whether your twang suggests Maine, Minnesota, Washington, Arizona, Florida, or anywhere in between, a visit to Texas Star Books is a Texas-sized adventure.

Your Favorite Bookstores?

Maybe bookstores are pure heaven for you, too. As book aficionados, too, here at Camp Krafve, we’re collecting Delight*Full bookstores. Friends are already sending in their favorites. Please, please send us the name of your favorite mom and pop bookstore in your community.

And, yep, even if you live beyond Texas, we want to know. In fact, I’m praying now about how many bookstores David and I can check off our bucket list before we die. Lord willing, bookstore travels will be our gift to each other for the rest of our lives.

Shhh…More Great News!

Speaking of books, head’s up to those many friends who have been praying. Soon we’ll broadcast amazing announcements about the first TWO books I’ve written! Only amazing? Nope, let’s just go ahead and dub this a whopping miracle. Without prayer, no miracles happen, right? I’m beyond grateful to you for your prayers. Our family is chomping at the bit to share more with you, our dear reading and listening (and praying) friends! So, stay tuned! 

May we pray together?

Dear Father in heaven, You provide for us in every way. How blessed we are to be people who enjoy the tremendous blessing of education! Even in our weakest moments, You keep blessing us. Our American forefathers committed themselves to providing education for the future generations in this great nation. We rejoice to be able to read. We live in a country where books are not censured. Imagine the great freedom we enjoy!

Best of all, You provided a perfect love letter for us in Your Scriptures. Oh, how fortunate we are! Thank You, O Lord, for seeking us out to invite us into companionship with You through the greatest book ever, the Bible. We love You. Praising You, we rejoice! In Jesus’s name. Amen.

We love to hear from you!

Where is your favorite book store? When have you discovered the comfort of a cozy little bookstore? If you could write a book about any topic, what would you choose?

Cathy Krafve, Columnist, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, and Christian Writer, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at Truth with a Texas Twang.