Cathy Krafve, Truth with a Texas TwangI know, I know, even influential people need to slow down a minute and get a conversation right. But, what about a quick fix? Sometimes we need influence in a flash, so we can keep moving.

Conversational Treadmills

Obviously, some conversations are drawn out. We can’t skip those just because we still have fifteen items on today’s to-do list. We must juggle our priories, stop momentarily and focus. But there are times…

Do you ever have conversations that make you feel like the treadmill at the gym, walking the same tired ole path, never getting anywhere? Of course! We all do! 

Quick Fix: Influence in a Flash

The point is, sometimes we truly don’t have time to pour honey on a conversation to get to the necessary result. Do we need to apologize for that? I don’t think so.

Our time is limited. Some things need our attention, but only for a quick fix. We need to make our point, get the desired outcome, and keep moving. We all have moments when we simply must make a big impact in a flash. 

Tools for a Quick Fix When We Need Influence in a Flash

I think of these quick tools like duck tape. Until I can take out my big tool box and really examine what needs to be repaired, to keep functioning, I need something trustworthy and fast. Here’s a list of quick tools to use when you simply must influence a situation and do so expeditiously.

#1 Draw a Picture. For those of us who are visual, a picture communicates volumes in a hurry.

#2 Tell a Story. Nothing engages the imagination like the words, Once Upon a Time. Using imagination to communicate a vision separates real leaders from the pack. Plus, if we tell a personal story from our collection of fails, it personalizes our input in an authentic way.

#3 More adventures to come. Sometimes, a quick fix won’t solve systemic issues. Yet, certain moments demand the team’s instant focus, in spite of any long term planning issues. Whether its home or work, we may need to schedule an upcoming block of time for the complex issues, in order to stay focused on the moment’s urgent demands. In doing so, we free the team to address immediate client needs (or, heck, just empty the dishwasher already) while we communicate a commitment to the adventure of life and fellowship together.

#4 Thankfulness. When we want to make the most of our five minutes, we simply must take a moment to thank the other person. Thankfulness is good manners and its the honorable thing to do.

#5 End with a True Praise. Nothing motivates humans like knowing we’re appreciated. On the other hand, feeling like we’re doomed to fail spells disaster. Commit to scheduling time later to address real group dynamics. Fellowship around a shared vision is essential; it conveys value. In the meantime, people who persevere in tough situations deserve our true praise.

Truth is a Valuable Asset

Truth is a valuable asset and sometimes has to be conveyed quickly. I’m convinced that women are vessels of truth, designed by God specifically to be influential. Each and every one of us. Whether you are a woman or live and work with women, knowing women’s design for instinctive truth can transform relationships all the way around.

Watch for a deeper dive into how a person qualifies to be influential in an upcoming column/blog. I don’t know about you, but my world can get messy in a hurry! Knowing how to handle truth quickly and effectively with compassion is a super-power we all can cultivate.

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Cathy Krafve, Texas Columnist, Speaker, Radio Host, and “almost” Author focusing on fellowship in Marriage, Family, and Community, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at Truth with a Texas Twang.