Christians love truth, but just tune into the national media and notice an alarming trend. Often, folks accuse Christians of being judgmental and dogmatic.
Of course, sometimes we must speak up even if it comes at the price of a label. But, oh the pain we feel when folks reject and insult us because we spoke up truthfully sharing our perspective. Seems like everyone gets to have an unpopular opinion but Christians!
Creating Gentle Conversations
Especially in our families, we yearn to talk together in gentle ways without stressing over disagreements. Without triggering judgmental and dogmatic rhetoric? But, is that even possible? Yes, of course!
Certainly, it seems people reach for a label when they fear a different perspective. Ouch! We all grow tired of labels, like judgmental and dogmatic. To help you lead the way toward gentler conversations, I hope you check out this Fact Box video. We want to share it here, even though my outfit has since retired to a farm for blue honey bees. (Bad outfits. Another one of life’s pains.)
No Arguments, Just Reasoned Conversations Here!
Of course, reasoned conversations are possible without devolving into arguments. In fact, my family spawns strong folks who have a perspective that frequently differs from mine! My own mom always said, “We raised our kids to think for themselves and then were surprised when they didn’t agree with us!”
So, we work pretty hard to use the Fact Box ourselves!
Blasphemy: A Strong Word for Opinions
Head’s up: in this short, 7-minute video, I use the word blasphemy. (Not the worst word I’ve ever used, by the way.) Possibly, you’ve also wondered if it’s blasphemous to be so opinionated. Okay, maybe not. I confess, my brain gets a little obsessive about abstract, philosophical questions.
But, perhaps you may wink with me at this idea: It’s okay for people to have different opinions from me; I don’t care if they’re wrong. (In case you wondered if anyone ever called me judgmental and dogmatic.)
Seriously though, it’s a little frightening to think we might be opposed to the God of the universe when it comes to His perspective. In this short video, we examine how judging now might be considered blasphemy. Mind you, ahem, it’s just my opinion, but hopefully you’ll find the idea fascinating, too.
Don’t Miss The Fact Box
Most importantly, if you zip through this blog fast, thank you. I know you’re busy and I’m grateful for your time.
However, if you skipped the video, please consider going back and listening to The Fact Box. If you want to extend your influence at home, at work, and in your community, these powerful ideas will help you. I truly want your pure influence to be extended in our world!
May I pray for you?
Father in heaven, You are the embodiment of Truth. We bow before You now, Your grateful children. Bless us, please, O Lord, as we try to communicate good ideas that honor You. Give us hearts to seek out Your wisdom and spread it joyfully. Let our lives reflect Your love. May we be people who are known for compassion, mercy, and grace. Forgive us when we presume to take on the role of judge and jury. Thank You for establishing Yourself as the One Righteous Judge. Today, may our lives honor You. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.
We love to hear from you!
What tools have you used to turn arguments back into conversations? How has opinion disguised itself as truth in your experience? Which tricks do you use to help yourself tone down your own opinions? (We hope you leave comments in the box at the end of the page.)
Free Printable Templates For Family Time!
Yep, just in time for holidays, like Easter or Spring Vacations, something super fun to do with your kids! Our darling printable templets are perfect for a Sunday school craft or entertaining. What kid doesn’t love glue, scissors, and sharing chocolate?! Each one sports inspiring messages to be cut out and wrapped around a candy bar. They are the perfect homemade treat to let friends know they are loved. Sign up for our blog and get your free templets here!
Or, find lots more easy ideas about spending time with creative kids from Anna Krafve Pierce, here.
More Stories and Wisdom to Bless Our Hearts
If you, too, are committed to sharing truth gently and effectively, we want to encourage you! Joyfully, we’ve interviewed experts. Don’t miss their stories and wisdom, shared just for you on Fireside Talk Radio: Tina Meier, James Kemp, Charlotte Canion, Alise Cortez, Chris Legg, Henda Salmeron, and Tony Johnson, to name a few of our heroes.
Cathy Krafve, host of Fireside Talk Radio, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, and Christian Communicator, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at CathyKrafve.com. Truth with a Texas Twang spoken here!