With thoughts of Easter, our hearts long for hope. Yet, our hearts break as we hear discussions about mass shootings in schools and public places. We want to be qualified to make a difference, but how? We pray, cringing as we hope that our community will be spared. What we really need in today’s world is people able to influence whole communities for the better.
In last week’s column, we saw that our past does not disqualify us from being people of influence. We see in John 4 that the Woman at the Well impacts her whole community. Amazing, isn’t it? But how is she qualified for such influence?
Ready and Qualified
She’s qualified because she is ready. Could it really be that simple? Yep, it sure is.
“I know the Messiah is coming,” she says in verse 25. Now, how could she possibly know that? Samaria is the last place a Jewish teacher might decide to wander. In fact, the scripture tells us Jesus is intentionally there in the last place on earth anyone would have thought to look.
Watching for the Messiah
And yet, this dear woman is ready. She’s watching. Not only is she ready, she’s given it enough thought that she has a set idea of what to expect. You know, just in case He comes wandering up and happens to catch her going about her daily chores alone. When He comes, He will tell us all things, she says.
Ah, what faith! No wonder the others follow her quickly to meet Him.
Conversational Adventure
During their amazing conversational adventure, Jesus even tells her that God is the One doing the seeking. Can we imagine a God of the universe who is actually seeking us out? If not for Jesus, this concept would surely be beyond our imagination.
Why is Christianity Different?
In fact, God seeks us out through the life of His Son, Jesus. This is the unique truth that sets Christianity apart from all other religions. Other religions teach man’s need to seek God. Christianity teaches Jesus came to us, seeking us, willingly laying down His life for ours.
Truly, as tempting as it may be to judge Christianity by us Christians, it’s Jesus’ arrival as a human that sets Christianity apart. That and Jesus’ loving sacrifice and history-changing resurrection.
The Woman at the Well is our kinda gal; so smart, hard-working, bold, and humble. It’s no wonder her community follows her quickly to meet the One who is Savior of the world.
God Seeks You. Are You Ready?
This Easter, I pray you meet with Him, too, in the quiet place where He is seeking you out.
Christianity teaches that God seeks man and provides for our spirituality Himself. While other religions teach that we worship God by working to please Him, Christianity teaches that we respond in joyful gratitude to the God who seeks us out. Are you ready?
May I pray for you?
Dear Father, We feel unqualified for the plans You have for us. Amazing plans we can barely fathom. Yet, You Yourself qualify us to be used by You. You show Your strength in our weaknesses. In Your incomprehensible compassion, You sent Your Son to die for us, so that we might be freed forever from the chains of sin and death. Now we anticipate heaven and eternity in Your presence. What glory! We praise You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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Cathy Krafve, Texas Author, Columnist, Speaker, and Radio Host, focusing on fellowship in Christian Marriage and Family, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at CathyKrafve.com. Truth with a Texas Twang.
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