This month I’m writing about romance, love, and my passion: writing for you. Plus, I want to catch you up with how our topics are evolving. I kinda owe it to ya because you’ve stuck with me for a long time! Besides, I love my reading and listening friends so very much!
❤️ ❤️ Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️ ❤️

But First, A Gift for YOU Because I Love You!
So if you want more romance, I recommend these Conversation Starters. I’m already using these on David because I always say, “Fellowship is the best foreplay.”
If you want more great ideas, check out this newsletter, where I got the Conversation Starters. Tamara Clymer, with CrossRiver Media, always puts a ton of love in their CRM newsletter. I highly recommend subscribing.
Find more of my favorite people to follow at the end of today’s blog. Naturally, it’s a short list. Why? Because, like you, I’m picky about where I spend my time.
Marriage Isn’t All About Romance
I blinked at the dear lady standing in front of me. All around us people chatted and laughed. Polished and poised, she was whispering so no one else would hear.
“I just read you book. I love it so much.” I knew instantly. She was struggling to reboot her own marriage.
How did I know? I’m not sure. Was the Holy Spirit prompting me? Or, did editor Deb Butterfield simply do a terrific job of helping me create a book from my heart. A valentine straight from my heart for when marriage gets tricky. When we choose to hang in there.
Perhaps my heart just recognized another woman’s heart. Building a good marriage in a culture that wants us to give up is not for wimps!
Thankfully, people stop me to tell me they love my books. This always surprises me. But I need the encouragement.

We hugged. I wanted her to know marriage is hard along the way for everyone. Marriage isn’t all about romance, it’s about fellowship. Fellowship can be fragile.
We whispered a minute more. When we parted, both of us felt a little lighter.
Truly, I wish I was better at romance. But I promised you some romance, so I’ll tell ya what Dave is getting for Valentine’s Day.
My hubby thinks almost anything is romantic (especially the grocery store, for some reason.) So I’m lucky, I guess. Honestly, we’re pretty boring.
I thought about buying him a pocket knife. If he reads this he’ll probably be disappointed.
I thought about taking him on a picnic. But the weather is sketchy in February.
Next, I suggested a gift for me. You wouldn’t think that was romantic at all unless you know David. He gets so stressed about gifts before every holiday, that any hint is a gift in itself.
So I suggested a scarf which turned into a scarf, two blouses, and a dress. What can I say? Everything was on sale. They put it in a bag. When I got home, I put a red bow on it. Dave was so happy, I could have stopped there. Seriously.
Then, I remembered the last time I made fondue for just the two of us was back when we were engaged. That’s been a minute.
So, I’m making fondue.
I only cook for people who love me unconditionally. Well, because you never know when I’ll burn something.
I told him ahead of time so he could look forward to it. He’s thrilled. The next few days should be lots of fun.
Some More Personal Stuff
You and I have been reading, listening, and writing together (blogs and books, interviews and podcasts) since 2017. That’s 7 years. YOU are my inspiration.
If you followed my newspaper column in the Bullard Banner, that’s over 17 years.
I could never do this without YOU! What would be the point?
Personal Background Check: My Passion for Writing
If you missed me the last few months, I owe you an explanation. Lately, I’ve been doing my own personal background check. Behind the scenes, I took a little break to pray through some burn out. If I talked you in person, I probably asked you to pray for me.
For several months, I’ve asked myself hard questions as I prayed.
- Was I too distracted by my own family to keep writing? I do have 9 adorable grandchildren so far.
- Had my interests evolved to different topics?
- Why was it so hard to write now?
- Was my passion for writing gone?
The Answer to My Questions
#1 Am I distracted by my family? You better believe it! From the beginning I prayed God would prevent me from OCD-ing about writing to the point I neglected my family. The balancing act (read: temptation) is real.
#2 Have my interests evolved? Yes. Looking back, we started by tackling hard topics. Like, things we couldn’t mention even at church. But as grandkids arrived, I focused more on family.
It’s pure joy to podcast with our daughter Anna Krafve Pierce. She tells tons of stories, which are often hilarious. Sometimes, she offers me correction. On air(!!). Often, she gives me credit. Even if many of our successes were accidental. Anyway, podcasts with Anna are my sweet spot.
#3 Why am I finding it hard to write now? Probably because I am terrible at delegating. I think I’ve been trying to do so much myself, I just fizzled out. So, I’m hiring a little help. More on that later. I will introduce you. You will LOVE them, too.
#4 Is my passion gone? Hahahaha….I think I came out of the womb talking. I will always be passionate about communication. Especially about feeling cherished and rebooting romance. And family.
But seriously, I needed to regroup. So, I could enjoy what I love most. Writing. To you.
So I’ll be focusing almost entirely on family, kids, and better conversations. Together, we CAN create better communities, one family, one conversation at a time.

Thank YOU!
Before I click “post,” I double check my blog. Yoast (AI ) tells me I didn’t write enough about romance today to match my headings. Groan! But, my heart tells me, “Enough!”
I wrote this myself. No AI. I hope it fills your heart to know writing is hard, but I do it because I love you. Communicating with you is still my passion. What does AI know about love and romance anyway?
More than anything, I am grateful for YOU! Thank you for reading and listening to my stuff. You amaze me. And I’ve been writing THAT long before AI.
Personal Prayer Request
This month, CrossRiver Media is doing a full blitz of my book, Marriage Conversations. (You can get the first chapter FREE here.) Please pray many people will buy the book. We truly believe for those who want to reboot their marriage and rediscover the marriage of their dreams, this book is terrific!
You can also help us, by sharing any of the videos, memes, podcasts, or articles you see from us. Thank you very much. Your help and prayers means the world!
We love to hear from YOU!
How do you reboot when you’re burned out? What’s your passion and why? Do you belong to a small church in need of FREE resources, like books, Bible Studies, and speakers? If yes, please contact me!
Let’s Pray Together
Dear good Father, Thank You for giving us direction when we feel fragile and burned out. I’m glad You are our refuge. We trust in You. Help us keep the faith, keep pressing in on our goal to honor You in every bit of our life. Bless us now, please, because that is Your heart’s desire. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Cathy’s Favorite Folks to Follow:
I follow a number of talented folks, but my current favorites (not in any order) are:
Jefferson Fisher–for communication and conversation advice
Mark House/Leading with Music –for leadership, music, and amazing first-hand stories about people like Steve Jobs
Jack Forest Blocker–up and coming country western singer. Don’t be fooled by fake accounts; this is the real one.
Debra L. Butterfield--for writing advice (the gal can edit!)
Mark Legg–I knew he’s talented because he’s helping Anna and I with our next book. He’s a scholar but he’s pretty down-to-earth. Then I stumbled onto his article on Active Nuancing. Wow!
Sarah Huckabee Sanders-– This one surprises me because I tend to steer clear of politicians. But I find her straightforward and cool.
Resources for Small Churches
If I can serve you or your church in any way, I hope you will let me. Contact me, if you want to know more about:
- how to sponsor resources for small churches to grow in better communication, or
- how to cultivate better communication in your church.

Thank you for sharing my books with your friends. The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations. or Marriage Conversations: From Coexisting to Cherished. To join the Fireside Tribe and receive our FREE weekly interviews, blogs, and podcasts, hit the yellow button below.
If you love the books and want to get them for your Bible Study or Sunday school or, heck, any group, just let me know. My publishers allow us to offer group discounts.
Click here to find our books: Marriage Conversations: from co-existing to cherished, The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations
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Cathy Krafve, host of Fireside Talk Radio and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations and Marriage Conversation: From Coexisting to Cherished. Your stories, ideas, and questions welcomed here!
Awe! Good to know you’re tuned in, dear.❤️
Dear Cathy ,
I love you cutie.