Every marriage trips up along the way and suddenly you feel disconnected. It might be a huge big deal that triggers the fumble. Or, it can even be minor things. But how do we reconnect? The answer is in reconnection superpowers.

Little angels remind us God is enthusiastically hoping we'll join Him for eternity.
These sweet Little angels remind us God is enthusiastically hoping we’ll join Him for eternity. And He wants our marriages to reflect that kind of cherishing.

Reconnection Superpowers are ways to make marriage great again. Forgive me for borrowing from current politics for that phrase. But I really think if we want to make America great, we better make marriage great. One marriage at a time. Starting with the one we’re in!

Reconnection Superpowers

In today’s videos, I share two reconnection superpowers to jumpstart your great marriage, 1) Gratitude and 2) God’s purpose.

Gratitude can feel like a lost cause when we feel disconnected. I get it.

In this first video I share a personal story that surprised even me! It’s so simple and gratitude is so great, you’ll feel stronger as soon as you listen in.

In the second video, God’s purpose for marriage is pretty simple, too. As always, I share ideas that may seem controversial. Or at least overlooked in modern Biblical teaching. I try to be gentle. But, hey, some things just need to be said as clearly as possible. You’ll come away with a new perspective if you listen to the second video. I guaranteeeeeeee.

Reconnection Superpower #1: Gratitude

Q & A: “We’ve grown apart over the years. How do we reconnect emotionally and spiritually?”

Prayer is a conversation with God. In this video you’ll find out how God conversed with me in a way I wasn’t expecting and didn’t like all that much! Hahaha. Not the first or last time that’s happened!

I saved the best for last. This next one is a powerful! Less than 5 minutes to change your world!

Reconnection Superpower #2: God’s Purpose for Marriage

Q & A: “What does God’s purpose for marriage look like, and how can I find it in my relationship?”

In the above video, I gave a quick explanation about the purpose of marriage. But I had so much more to say. Ugh! I really wanted to download my whole book!

Instead, I ended with a prayer. I hope the prayer meets the needs of your heart, dear friend! I pray God meets the needs of your heart.

The Superpower of Great Conversation

Whenever I write about “super powers” I kinda cringe. Why? Because I know without a doubt the only true super power is the power that resides in God Himself, expressed to us in His Holy Spirit.

He wants our lives to be an ongoing conversation with Him.

Living in the power of God’s beautiful Holy Spirit means knowing Him. And that starts with forgiveness.

Easter is around the corner. You may be wondering what all the fuss is about. If you are wondering, Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. What does that mean? The resurrection means that Jesus is still alive. His death means that our sin is paid for, if we accept His free gift. Therefore, you can be forgiven for anything.

He believes you are worth saving. And He wants you to know Him.

The Most Important Conversation of All

This is the spot in today’s blog where you get to RSVP yes, if you want to receive the FREE invitation God offers us all to have a relationship with Him. I hope you do!

Simply pray a prayer something like this to be saved: “Jesus, I believe You died on the cross for my sin. I ask You to forgive me and accept me as Your child. Come into my life now and help me live in a way that is healthy and honoring to You and others. Thank You for the gift You alone can give of salvation. I pray in Your name, Jesus. Amen.”

For more about redemption and the art of messing up, click here.

For why an analytical, doubtful, cynical person, like me, became a Christian, click here. Feel free to contact me with questions if that still doesn’t make sense. I live to talk to people with GREAT questions!

Changing the culture one conversation at a time takes all of us having better conversations in our families, our churches, and our communities.

I hope you will share all our videos with your friends!



Making Marriage Great Again

Cathy Krafve holds her book, Marriage Conversations: From Co-existing to Cherished
Thank you for passing my books along to your friends! Your help means so much!

Please pray many people will view this series of Marriage Videos and find answers to make their marriage great again. We seriously want to change the culture one conversation at a time. That starts in our marriages. (Find more marriage videos here.)

Thank you for praying, too, that folks will keep buying our books and sharing them with others. Your help and endorsements are essential to what we do. We are very GRATEFUL FOR YOU!!

We truly believe for those who want to reboot or rediscover the marriage of their dreams, Marriage Conversations is terrific!

Also, we LOVE all the ways Jesus took a woman from isolation to influence in one conversation, which I explored in The Well. (Shout out to my publishers, CrossRiver Media and Elk Lake Publishing. Both my publishers offer group discounts.)

This month, CrossRiver Media is doing a full blitz of my book, Marriage Conversations. (You can get the first chapter FREE here.) PLEASE share all our videos, memes, podcasts, and blogs. Thank you very much.

We love to hear from YOU!

What have you done to reconnect with your spouse that turned out to be a superpower? When do you feel the most cozy and connected with your spouse? Do you belong to a small church in need of FREE resources, like books, Bible Studies, and speakers? If yes, please contact me!

And don’t forget: I LOVE good questions. If you send them, I’ll make more videos. And I won’t tell a soul you asked because, ahem, you’d be surprised how common our questions are!

Let’s Pray Together

Dear good Father, thank you for giving us hearts and minds that seek truth. In the process, we find You! You, Jesus, are the Truth. What a joy we find in being connected to You through Your beautiful Holy Spirit! We need grace to be like You ourselves. Give us the patient grace we also need as we wait on those we love to grow more like You. Help us knit together our marriages and our families in oneness that reflect Your nature. Help us know You as You truly are, in all Your glory and tender mercy. Bless us now, please, because that is Your heart’s desire. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

By The Way

P.S. Last week, I shared the reconnection superpower of forgiveness. Forgiveness can be dang hard. So, if you missed the last week’s videos, please find them here.

You can find a bunch more videos on my YouTube channel.

FREE Resources for Small Churches

If I can serve you or your church in any way, I hope you will let me. Contact me, if you want to know more about:

  • how to sponsor resources for small churches to grow in better communication, or
  • how to cultivate better communication in your church.
The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations CathyKrafve.com
Marriage Conversations: From Coexisting to Cherished. Our latest book. Packed with good stuff!

Thank you for sharing my books with your friends. The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations. or Marriage Conversations: From Coexisting to Cherished. To join the Fireside Tribe and receive our FREE weekly interviews, blogs, and podcasts, hit the yellow button below.

If you love the books and want to get them for your Bible Study or Sunday school or, heck, any group, just let me know. My publishers offer group discounts.

Click here to find our books: Marriage Conversations: from co-existing to cherishedThe Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations 

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Cathy Krafve, host of Fireside Talk Radio and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations and Marriage Conversation: From Coexisting to Cherished. Your stories, ideas, and questions welcomed here!

❤️ Truth with a Texas Twang! ❤️