We keep seriously fun stuff in our toolbox to help us build communications skills! Yep, we want to design great conversations and fellowship for generations to come.
With joy, we give you The Fact Box and The Family Fellowship Fun Quiz. Please feel free to share them with your family, your Bible study or Book Club today!
#1 ToolBox Favorite: The Fact Box
Got some folks in your life with, ahem, strong opinions, and that’s putting it politely. Don’t we all!
Tempers flare. Next time you get caught in the crossfire of a hot argument, you’ll be ready!
Hit the arrow below for a great way to diffuse uncomfortable discussions. The Fact Box gives you a terrific way to think about information, rather than judging it.
Soon you will be a champ at keeping conversations on track. Most importantly, your whole family or team can learn to laugh about “putting it in the Fact Box!”

#2 ToolBox Favorite: Join The Tribe!
You’re invited to join the Fireside Tribe of truth-loving, fellowship-building, conversational adventurists. Really! We ❤️ YOU!!
#3 ToolBox Favorite: Family Fellowship Fun Quiz.
Here’s a fun little quiz to rate Family “Intelligence” about Fellowship. This is a sure conversation starter around the dinner table!
The Fun Quiz Questions
- When our kids resist going along with our plans, we ask good questions about why they do not want to participate?
- In their early teens, my children often go to events with their parents?
- As parents, even though we have differences of opinion on the small stuff, we talk out the big stuff and present a solid front?
- Our family may sacrifice to see our kids get a jumpstart on opportunities in the future, but we refuse to sacrifice time together?
- Our teenagers often pop in with their buddies now that they are driving?
- One of my children asked me for advice this past week?
- Can I truly love and respect the people my kids married?
- I feel bad about some of my adult children’s decisions now because I wonder if I could have changed something I did along the way?
The Results
Eight “yeses” means you are well on your way to a Fellowship-based family even if your children are still toddlers.

If you have a few “no” answers in the mix, no worries. Even if your children are grown with children of their own, today is a great day to think about fellowship in your family. (For the inside story on why I created this fun little quiz, and, well, it might be personal, click here!)
Share Our Tools with Others!
Our tools are so easy to share! Please pass The Fact Box video and The Family Fellowship Fun Quiz along to your family and friends. We LOVE sharing tools with you. And, unlike the neighbor who borrows your tools, you don’t even have to return them!
Don’t forget to check out our books or buy some to give to all your friends!!
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