Ever wonder why men crave sex? Of course. We’re told some pretty simple stuff about why men crave sex. Like it’s hormones. Or, because God wants humans to reproduce. Okay. But why then are we losing generation after generation of teenage boys to brokenhearted, misguided sexual relationships? And that’s among Christians.

Truth with a Texas Twang spoken here!
More great podcasts and videos in today’s blog!

One of the best answers I’ve seen, came from Chris Legg, co-author of Sex and Marriage. (His son, Mark Legg, is his co-author. You gotta admit, writing a book about sex together took some gumption for both of them!)

Deep in the Heart Founder Dr. Grace English, host of Get Real to Heal interviewed Chris on this topic of why men crave sex last week. Leave it to Grace to ask tough questions we all want to know the answer to.

If you are married or raising boys, this is for YOU! Because I get how hard it is.

Surprisingly, you won’t find this info anywhere else. Believe me I searched. I lost count of how many books I read researching my book, Marriage Conversations.

Spreading the Real Reason Men Crave Sex

In their conversation, Chris explains why men crave sex. You are going to love what he says.

Chris’s book, Sex and Marriage, is one of my all time favorites. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve given it away to friends.

Because a lot of hubbies don’t read marriage books, I really want you to have their podcast. So today, I’m embedding their podcast for you.

Trusting God with marriage is hard. We need all the help we can get.

Super-duper Sex

Then, right before their podcast aired, I got a text from Grace. They mentioned my marriage book in their conversation together on Get Real to Heal. Yep. That’s a high point for me. Two of my favorite people. So naturally I listened in.

Chris retold one of my stories.

I’m embedding that story today, too. A special shout out to my friends at Christian Communicators who recorded this story long before my book came out. Thank you!

Dave and I think it’s hilarious. We hope you enjoyed it, too.

Behind the Scenes: Insider Info for Book Writing

By the way, at the end of their podcast, Chris mentions a very talented writer and his co-author, Mark Legg. Is it bragging when dad is just telling the truth about a talented son? Anyway, I say, “Amen!”

I got to see Sex and Marriage before Mark got involved. That’s how I knew Mark’s skill level is off the chart.

Chris’s initial content was life-changing, marriage-changing, no doubt. But Chris’ writing reflects how fast his brain works. Would you believe me if I told you the man can think and write even faster than he can talk?

Fortunately, Mark’s genius is in bringing clarity and all his scholarly training to bear on refining a book. Wow!

On a side note, Anna and I are pretty delighted to have Mark’s help on our next book. It’s for moms and grandmothers who want use crafts and conversation to bring out the good character in their beautiful kiddos.

Is it selfish of me to think if I brag on Mark too much, he might get too busy for me? Okay, that’s rhetorical. I know the answer.

Anyway, if you need help with a book, you can find Mark here. Plus, my dear friend and editor, Deb Butterfield is taking on clients. I bet there’s a line forming for her services, too. So, if you are writing a manuscript, contact them now to get on their schedules.

Fellowship is the Best Foreplay: Chosen

In Marriage Conversations, I also write a chapter I originally called, “Fellowship is the Best Foreplay.” We went with a different title, “Chosen.” But, well, I’ll have to write another book, just to use that title!

But seriously, fellowship is not just a church party without alcohol. True fellowship is grounded in a commitment to keep loving each with unfailing love. In marriage, fellowship is foundational to oneness.

But fellowship will also permeate all aspects of our lives–all our relationships–when we commit to loving others with the love Jesus freely and graciously offers each one of us.

Did you know Jesus has already chosen you, if you will but choose Him?

If having fellowship with Jesus sounds strange to you, today is a GREAT day to ask Him to be your Savior, too. Like so many Christians have already done, YOU can pray a simple prayer to ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and come into your life.

Two young friends stopped by to surprise me with delightful fellowship this week.
Shout out to my beloved niece, Cassie, and her dear friend, Brooke, who delighted me by stopping by for a sweet moment of fellowship while they were at Pine Cove!

I like what Franklin Graham has to say about choosing the God who already chose us. Yep, Jesus is the most wonderful person to ever walk the face of the earth. He’s powerful enough to die for sinners and then live to tell about it!



We love to hear from YOU!

When do you experience the most fellowship in your most significant relationship? How could your church stir up more true fellowship and support marriages better? Do you belong to a small church in need of FREE resources, like books, Bible Studies, and speakers?

Would you be kind enough to send me good questions for future videos? If yes, please contact me!

Let’s Pray Together

Dear good Father, Thank You for sending Your Son to die on the cross for each of us who will receive the gift. You invite us into the most beautiful fellowship to ever exist, fellowship with You, the divine Creator. Then, because we begin to take after our good Father, we begin to experience fellowship in all our relationships. Marriage is where fellowship can seem the hardest. We know Satan schemes against us. Protect and strengthen us to resist the devil’s attacks. Bless us now, please, because that is Your heart’s desire. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Please Pray AND Buy Books

One of the BEST ways you can help us change the conversation around marriage in our culture is to buy books. Seriously.

Together we can change the culture one conversation at a time. That starts in our own families. (Find more videos here.)

Please share excellent books like mine and Chris’ with those you love.

I truly believe for those who want to reboot their marriage and rediscover the marriage of their dreams, Marriage Conversations is terrific! I am so thankful to CrossRiver Media for all their help with it.

This month, CrossRiver Media is doing a full blitz of my book, Marriage Conversations. (You can get the first chapter FREE here.) PLEASE Share! All the videos, memes, podcasts, or articles CrossRiver is creating this month. Thank you very much.

And we LOVE all the ways Jesus took a woman from isolation to influence in one conversation, which I explored in The Well. Special thanks to Elk Lake Publishing, for The Well.

FREE Resources for Small Churches

If I can serve you or your church in any way, I hope you will let me. Contact me, if you want to know more about:

  • how to sponsor resources for small churches to grow in better communication, or
  • how to cultivate better communication in your church.
The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations CathyKrafve.com
Marriage Conversations: From Coexisting to Cherished. Our latest book. Packed with good stuff!

Thank you for sharing my books with your friends. The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations. or Marriage Conversations: From Coexisting to Cherished. To join the Fireside Tribe and receive our FREE weekly interviews, blogs, and podcasts, hit the yellow button below.

If you love the books and want to get them for your Bible Study or Sunday school or, heck, any group, just let me know. My publishers allow us to offer group discounts.

Click here to find our books: Marriage Conversations: from co-existing to cherishedThe Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations 

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Why Men Crave Sex? The Answer Will Surprise You

You read to the end of the blog. I think you deserve the answer.

I’m in a quandary, though. First, I hate it when people bait and switch with a headline and then don’t answer the question. But, secondly, I hate to give away a pretty important punchline in Chris’ book without all the research and wisdom he uses to back it up.

Here’s my solution. I’m gonna tell ya what I think is the most mind-blowing thing I learned in Sex and Marriage:

Men crave sex because they crave home.

That info changes everything about how we receive our hubby and how we raise our sons. Chris explains it alot better than that. So, promise me, you won’t cheat yourself out of listening to the Get Real to Heal podcast or buying his book.

Please, pleeeease do yourself a favor and get ALL there is to know on this subject! This is conversation-family-culture changing info! We’re in it together.

Thanks for reading to the end. Love ya! ❤️ Cathy

Cathy Krafve, host of Fireside Talk Radio and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations and Marriage Conversation: From Coexisting to Cherished. Your stories, ideas, and questions welcomed here!

❤️ Truth with a Texas Twang! ❤️