by Cathy Krafve | Sep 26, 2019 | Abortion, Communication, Community, Companionship, Culture, Divorce, Family, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, Marriage, Parenting
Surprisingly, shunning resonates as a hot button topic. Who knew? Maybe you’re thinking, You should have asked me, Cathy, everybody has felt shunned sometime! Honestly, I didn’t know. Probably because, ahem, my problem is talking too much. Ever feel like you had a...
by Cathy Krafve | Sep 19, 2019 | Communication, Community, Culture, Family, Fireside Talk Radio, History, Parenting, Prayer
A brochure from First Liberty with the Bibles and a copy of the constitution I always keep close by on my desk at work. When it comes to matters of faith, we all want to follow our own consciences. In fact, any threat to religious liberty seems scary. As Americans,...
by Cathy Krafve | Sep 12, 2019 | Communication, Community, Culture, Family, Fireside Talk Radio, History, Parenting, Prayer
Defending religious liberty all the way to the Supreme Court takes up a ton of Lathan Watts’s mental energy. An attorney with First Liberty, one of the nation’s foremost defender of religious liberty, Lathan joined me recently on Fireside Talk Radio. Of course, he...
by Cathy Krafve | Sep 5, 2019 | Communication, Companionship, Divorce, Family, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
Thinking of you with Jeanette! I waited two years to interview Jeanette Hanscome, author of Suddenly Single Mom. Believe me, it was worth the wait! Experiencing divorce? Or, someone you know? Jeanette offers comfort and power in the authentic stuff she shares in our...
by Cathy Krafve | Aug 22, 2019 | Communication, Community, Culture, Family, Parenting, Prayer
Scripture memory? Marquis Laughlin presented a big section of Revelation from memory at a recent conference in Tyler, Understanding the Times, Israel, Islam, and the Gospel at the End of the Age. As a communicator myself, I value the added insight we all gain from...
by Cathy Krafve | Aug 15, 2019 | Community, Companionship, Family, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
Anytime is the perfect time to serve tea and create memories! Could raising confident girls be as easy as planning a tea time anytime? Yes! According to Anna enjoying a hot cup of tea with your daughter is one of the BEST ways to create confidence in her heart. And...
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