Running into Heaven: 3 Tips for Coping with Grief and Suffering

I’m so happy to share Becky Carpenter’s wisdom this week about her daughter who “ran into heaven.” Since I interviewed Becky her phrase, running into heaven, has been reverberating in my imagination.  Speaker, Author, and Educator Becky Carpenter with her...

Devastating Moments, Crisis, and Suffering: When God Lights Up the Sky

When you walk into devastating moments who stands with you? Could the God of the universe speak to a mom? Today, my friend Becky Carpenter joins us to talk about how God shows up. Speaker, Educator, and Author Becky Carpenter with her beautiful family right before...

Mother’s Day, Crawdad Fishin’, and Teaching Kids to Take Responsibility

❤️ Happy Mother’s Day! ❤️ I am rejoicing with all the moms celebrating Mother’s Day this week. It’s a perfect moment to cherish with our families. Mother’s Day is also an important time to be be sensitive to moms who miss a child. Next week,...

Help us in our faith? My Friend’s Short Videos Helped Me Today

My friend Lindsey Bell just joined Instagram. Of course, this made me feel pretty savvy for an old person. Then, Lindsey sent out a bunch of quick videos designed to help us in our faith. You might remember Lindsey from when she told her story on Fireside Talk Radio....

Easter Ideas: Bringing Joy to Little Ones

Who doesn’t need some fresh ideas for Easter, especially if you’re hoping to inspire faith in the hearts of little ones? And have some fun in the process. Here are a few ideas from Camp Krafve for our little ones. The fairies have been busy preparing for...

Dark Clouds Threaten: Keeping the Sunshine of Joy

Kristin Faith Evans is the mother of two beloved children with unrelated, unpredicted rare genetic birth disorders. She’s learned the secret of keeping life filled with joy even when dark clouds threaten.  Kristin Faith Evans knows the secret of keeping life...