Battle Ready Marriage: 8 Tips for Preparing Your Family for Any Challenge 

They met and fell in love in high school, sweethearts married over 30 years now. When her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, glioblastoma, everything in Tamara’s life turned upside down. CrossRiver Media Publisher Tamara Clymer came on the show to talk about...

Battle Ready Faith: For Battles You Don’t Expect to Fight

How do families look when they are battle ready, no matter what Life dishes out? Is your family battle ready to face a major crisis? CrossRiver Media Publisher Tamara Clymer says it’s possible to build a battle ready faith. And she has the battle to prove it. “About...

Common Ground: Identifying the REAL Political Spectrum

Early primary voting is open in Texas. Are you wondering how to talk about politics without starting WWIII at your house? Well, here’s a short video (less than 4 minutes) to help you find common ground. Yep, even with people you think are pretty dang extreme...

Pinterest: An Interview Where I Least Expect It!

So, this week when I ran through my Pinterest notifications, I found this one! Yes, my book is on someone else’s Pinterest page. Wow! Silly I know, but can I just pause and be amazed. I found my book on someone else’s Pinterest page. Pretty cool! Pinterest...

Healthy Ambition: Sparking Self-motivation in Kids

People often think of ambition as a bad thing. Maybe it is when ambition seeks to collect fancy toys, like hotrod cars and mink coats.  Hanging out with some folks I love. But what about all the men and women we know who are ambitious because they want to provide...

The Politics of Generosity: Reclaiming Our Nation’s Misspent Vocabulary

Women’s Fund Executive Director Zoe Lawhorn, let me write whatever I wanted to. Now, there’s an irresistible invitation for any writer! I called it, The Politics of Generosity: Reclaiming Our Misspent Vocabulary. Women’s Fund of Smith County...