by Cathy Krafve | Mar 17, 2022 | Care Giving, Communication, Community, Companionship, Conversation, Culture, Death, Family, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, Insecurities, Marriage, Marriage Problems, Parenting, Prayer, Teenagers
They met and fell in love in high school, sweethearts married over 30 years now. When her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor, glioblastoma, everything in Tamara’s life turned upside down. CrossRiver Media Publisher Tamara Clymer came on the show to talk about...
by Cathy Krafve | Mar 10, 2022 | Care Giving, Communication, Community, Companionship, Conversation, Culture, Death, Family, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, Insecurities, Marriage, Marriage Problems, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships, Teenagers
How do families look when they are battle ready, no matter what Life dishes out? Is your family battle ready to face a major crisis? CrossRiver Media Publisher Tamara Clymer says it’s possible to build a battle ready faith. And she has the battle to prove it. “About...
by Cathy Krafve | Feb 17, 2022 | Communication, Community, Companionship, Conversation, Culture, Education, Family, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
Early primary voting is open in Texas. Are you wondering how to talk about politics without starting WWIII at your house? Well, here’s a short video (less than 4 minutes) to help you find common ground. Yep, even with people you think are pretty dang extreme...
by Cathy Krafve | Feb 3, 2022 | Communication, Community, Companionship, Conversation, Culture, Divorce, Family, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Insecurities, Marriage, Marriage Problems, Parenting, Reading, Sex for Christians, Strengthening Relationships
So, this week when I ran through my Pinterest notifications, I found this one! Yes, my book is on someone else’s Pinterest page. Wow! Silly I know, but can I just pause and be amazed. I found my book on someone else’s Pinterest page. Pretty cool! Pinterest...
by Cathy Krafve | Jan 27, 2022 | Communication, Companionship, Conversation, Divorce, Education, Family, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Marriage, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships
People often think of ambition as a bad thing. Maybe it is when ambition seeks to collect fancy toys, like hotrod cars and mink coats. Hanging out with some folks I love. But what about all the men and women we know who are ambitious because they want to provide...
by Cathy Krafve | Jan 20, 2022 | Communication, Community, Companionship, Conversation, Culture, Education, Fireside Talk Radio, Group Dynamics, History, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships
Women’s Fund Executive Director Zoe Lawhorn, let me write whatever I wanted to. Now, there’s an irresistible invitation for any writer! I called it, The Politics of Generosity: Reclaiming Our Misspent Vocabulary. Women’s Fund of Smith County...
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