by Cathy Krafve | Aug 16, 2018 | Companionship, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Marriage, Marriage Problems, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships, Teenagers
Have you ever had “your own personal nine-eleven moment”? A personal nine-eleven is what my friend Lori Boruff called that crisis moment when she knew her son was arrested. When a child goes to jail, the pain is excruciating. But, in Lori’s case, there’s...
by Cathy Krafve | Jun 21, 2018 | Companionship, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Insecurities, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships, Teenagers
But what about girls? Our hearts break at the way girls are often treated these days. Sadly, young women may not realize they are worthy of first-rate treatment. Don’t young girls need healthy male role models, too? Yes, Ma’am, they sure do! Two Great...
by Cathy Krafve | Jun 7, 2018 | Companionship, Divorce, Fear, Fellowship, Fireside Talk Radio, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships, Teenagers
At first, Tony Johnson didn’t think he was qualified to mentor. How does any busy leader find time? Perhaps, it was his family’s wealth of love that prompts him to advocate for mentoring now. Two Great Conversations with Tony Fatherhood: Qualified to...
by Cathy Krafve | May 31, 2018 | Companionship, Fellowship, Marriage Problems, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships, Teenagers
Between the upcoming shows with Tony Johnson and the challenging brain of Betsy Hahn, I’ve been thinking harder than I wanted to about mentoring. (For Betsy’s Questions 1-4, look for How to be a Single Parent Without Getting on Everyone’s Nerves) The result? My...
by Cathy Krafve | May 24, 2018 | Companionship, Divorce, Fellowship, Insecurities, Marriage Problems, Parenting, Strengthening Relationships, Teenagers
No one wants to get on anyone else’s nerves and we all know single moms need help. How, then, do we offer help to each other in a way that does not impose on other families? For wisdom on this topic, I turn to a dear friend, Betsy Brush Hahn. Life is Better...
by Cathy Krafve | Oct 6, 2017 | Companionship, Fear, Insecurities, Parenting, Prayer, Strengthening Relationships, Teenagers
I should write the book entitled, “The Tricky Parent’s Guide to Giving Good Advice So Your Grown Kids Won’t Know You Did It And You Can Deny Everything.” Title too long? Oh well, the book would be really short anyway. Every parent of grown up kids knows that waiting...
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