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Story-telling Teaches Discernment: Summer Series with Anna

Cathy and Anna talk about how storytelling is terrific for kids. Social media is swamping us with stories. False? True? Who knows? However, teaching our children to tell stories allows them to listen to other people’s stories with enthusiasm and compassion. But, better yet, it also trains them in discernment. Cathy and Anna share lots of personal stories in this episode. Plus, Anna share lots of tips for how to teach story-telling skills to your kids. This podcast is the second in our Podcast Summer Series, created especially for YOU! So sit back and enjoy a little laughter and a break from the summer heat.
Timelines Teach Identity: Summer Series with Anna
Anna and Cathy get together to create a series of summer podcasts just for YOU. Summer is the perfect time to change things up a bit. First up? Timelines! Are you, like us, concerned about all the self-rejection free loading around in our culture? Nobody wants a time bomb of self-rejection taking our their kids. Maybe you’ll think they’re crazy, but Cathy and Anna think timelines are perfect tools for helping your child recognize and love the identity God gave them. As always, Anna’s ideas are creative, simple, and mom-friendly! Because we love ya. And we sure know momma needs a little change of pace, too!
Sci-Fi: Bringing Generations Together at Church, Jason’s Wisdom with Jason Karpf

Jason Karpf returns to give us the details about how he’s using sci-fi to knit the generations together. At church! Yep, Cathy asks him some tough questions about the dark side of sci-fi. Jason debunks her preconceived ideas with biblical insight about story telling. He tosses in some insights on how rock and pop music speak to a generation of worshippers. Don’t miss this lively and fun conversation with a guy who is single-handedly transforming the way churches come together in youth group.
Science Fiction: More Adventures to Come! with Jason Karpf
Jason Karpf joins Cathy to geek out about science fiction. How can we use sci-fi to bring all the generations together at church? If you have a creative child, you’re gonna love today’s podcast with science fiction author, screenwriter, and once-upon-a-time child actor Jason Karpf. You may have seen Jason in episodes of The Bold Ones, The Courtship of Eddy’s Father, or a Krafve family favorite, Bonanza. Maybe you find yourself wondering how to inspire your child’s imagination so they won’t get bored. Can’t keep up with their reading or viewing? There’s nothing worse than wondering if your child is getting weird stuff pumped into their brains! You’re gonna love the encouragement in this lively conversation with Jason.
Rebellious Teenagers: Soothing the Hearts of Teens with Anna Pierce
Cathy and Anna talk candidly about how tough the teenage years can be and what parents can do to check rebellion at home. “We are talking about rebellion in teenagers. I changed your title because I think rebellious teenagers is kinda giving teenagers a bad rap,” laughs Anna. “Rebellion in teenagers is a better title because there’s rebellion in my heart and I’m way past being a rebellious teenager!” Take that, Mom! Well, you can see it’s a fast paced, very real conversation between mother and daughter. Both tell stories from their teenage years. If you’re wondering what to do with your “teenager in rebellion,” listen in now because they loaded this episode with tons of practical ideas that work and lots of laughs!
True Identity: the Power of Divine Design with Robin Melvin, Her Wisdom

Robin Melvin returns to talk to Cathy about true identity. She offers some insight about how the Church can help dispel identity confusion in our culture. Of course, with Robin, all her wisdom is served up with a heaping helping of gentleness and personal stories. She even shares how she developed empathy for her parents. How do we foster confident hearts in a culture that keeps telling us self-rejection is normal and healthy? The secret is knowing our true identity. You’re gonna love Robin’s insight and her big, beautiful heart!
Identity and Divine Design: Fostering a Confident Heart with Robin Melvin, Her Story
Author Robin Melvin joins Cathy to take on IDENTITY- the big controversial subject of our day. But is identity really something we pick for our self? What if we feel like we’re out of place in our own skin? Hiding and pretending can become our identity. You’re gonna love the way Robin succinctly tells of her childhood, explaining a phenomenon many people experience in families where trauma has taken its toll. She gives us hints about approaching any transition, especially midlife. Plus, shares a whole lot more about how to flip the script on negative self-talk. True identity can settle our hearts and minds. Just ask Robin.
Maps and Signs: Helping Your Child Read with Anna Krafve Pierce

In this episode, Anna shares a bunch of fun personal stories about how to encourage children to move from reading reluctant to book nerd status. “I love maps. And I absolutely believe they are more fun to read than other things. Because inevitably maps have monsters and treasure at the end. They’re so exciting.” Anna and Cathy fully believe maps and signs are a great way to coach kids on how symbols convey meaning, just like the crazy squiggles called letters convey words and ideas. Plus, they throw in some well-timed thoughts about moderation! Don’t miss the signs in your children’s lives as you help them map out a GREAT future!
E.D. Treatments: Wives CAN Help with Dr. James McAndrew, His Wisdom
This week, Dr. James McAndrew returns to answer more questions about E.D. Erectile Dysfunction. We know, we know. Kind of an odd topic for Father’s Day. But so many men have thanked us already for last week’s interview. Recently retired, Jim has nothing to sell, no pills, no procedures, no gimmicks. Cathy couldn’t wait to ask this trustworthy doctor for answers to the difficult questions men have asked her. Next week, we’ll add Dr. McAndrew’s testimony and his Philosophy of Medicine to our blogs. Please share both with all your friends, especially your doctor! You’ll find our blog at CathyKrafve.com. You’re gonna love what this compassionate man has to say! Get ready to be encouraged a bunch!

E.D.: No Gimmicks, Just Straight Answers from Dr. James McAndrew, Plus His Story
Retired Urologist Dr. McAndrew joins Cathy today to talk about E.D. With a lifetime of experience as a urologist, Jim is also compassionate, professional, down-to-earth, and funny! Today we get started on basics about E.D., but first Cathy asks him for his story which includes his next college degree: the Chemistry of Fermentation Science! Yes, we consider Dr. McAndrews an answer to prayer because men have quietly asked us when we would talk about erectile dysfunction. It’s so difficult to get trustworthy, confidential info. Fortunately for us all, Dr. McAndrew has no pills, no procedures, no gimmicks to sell. Just straight talk. This is so compassionate and serious, you’ll want to share it with your friends. Quietly, of course!
Running into Heaven: 3 Tips for Coping with Grief and Suffering with Becky Carpenter Her Wisdom

Becky Carpenter joins Cathy to share 3 tips for coping with grief and suffering. Plus, she shares more funny Skylar stories about the lasting impact of her daughter’s faith and unconditional love for everyone. They also talk about running into heaven. What would it look like at our funeral if our family knew we ran into heaven? How would it look today if we put on our running shoes and start running in that direction now, with all our might? Tender. Compassionate. Funny. You won’t want to miss what Becky has to share!
Devastating Moments, Crisis, and Suffering: When God Lights Up the Sky with Becky Carpenter Her Story
Today, the amazing Becky Carpenter joins Cathy to talk about how God shows up. When you walk into devastating moments who stands with you? Could the God of the universe speak to a mom? When God lights up the sky, you’ll know it, according to Becky. When her beautiful teenage daughter was killed in a bus accident on a field trip with her school, Becky recognized His voice. Clearly, Skylar was one of those kids who lit up every room she ever entered. Imagine losing such a precious daughter in a heartbeat. Maybe you don’t have to imagine. If you or someone you love is grieving, today’s blog is for you. With our love.
New Season of Hope: 3 Tips to Refresh Your Soul with Andy Clapp, His Wisdom

Award-winning author and pastor, Andy Clapp, returns to talk to Cathy about how to refresh our own souls. He shares 3 tips, which he and mutual friend Michelle Medlock Adams call, “Plant the Word, Pray the Word, Work the Word.” Plus, he shares a personal story about how when he forgave, his life turned around immediately. Wow! So much scholarly insight and practical, personal help in less than 30 minutes. Plus he’s funny! Yep, he’s a Fireside kinda guy.
New Beginnings and Joy: Spring into Hope with Andy Clapp, His Story
Speaker, award-winning author, scholar, pastor, and down home guy, Andy Clapp joins Cathy to talk about how we claim joy this Spring. Or anytime. It seems like God wants us talking, especially in the church, about how much people are suffering right now. “You know, Jesus had to withdraw from the crowds at times and pray,” explains Andy, “If He needed that connection with the Father, how much more do we need it?” Jesus is more than a story you hear at Easter. His life, His death, and His resurrection can be the source of hope and joy, even when life feels beyond repair. So, how do we find balance when life dishes up struggles? Andy talks about prioritizing our time to gain more energy for the things that bless our hearts. Plus, he shares a personal story about how when he forgave, his life turned around immediately. Wow! Don’t miss what this dynamic, down-to-earth communicator has to say!
Dark Clouds Threaten: Keeping the Sunshine of Motherly Joy with Kristin Faith Evans Her Wisdom

Kristin Faith Evans returns to share her hacks for joy no matter the circumstances with Cathy. How do we keep the sunshine of joy when dark clouds threaten? God gave Kristin a second chance at life after a suicide attempt and she embraced life. Now a mental health therapist and mother of two special needs kids, Kristin understands what all moms need. Starting with a little compassion, please! Are folks sitting in the pews at church but feeling too inhibited to talk about what they face at home? Of course. We’ve all been there. How do we find joy in life’s little moments? Kristen shares how preteen Bethany Grace, her little “miracle baby,” teaches her joy daily. If you’re feeling overwhelmed today, don’t miss this uplifting episode!
The Dark Place of Suicide or Mommy Care? Oxygen and Comfort for Mom with Kristin Faith Evans, Her Story
Kristen Faith Evans joins Cathy to talk about the challenges of days spent at the hospital with her babies. All mommies feel isolated and in the dark sometimes. A normal mommy day is tough enough, but what about when your life gets complicated because your kids are in pain? How do you pull down oxygen for yourself so you can take care of the emergencies your family may face? Kristen will share what she’s learned with all the sparky, fun personality she brings to every conversation! Mommies and grandmoms are gonna love this gal! It is our privilege to introduce her to our listening friends!
Battle Ready Marriage: 8 Tips for Preparing Your Family for Any Challenge, Even Brain Cancer, With Tamara Clymer, Her Wisdom

CrossRiver Media Publisher and author, Tamara Clymer joins Cathy to talk about the battles women are facing in our culture right this minute. We’ll talk about what it means to be a battle worthy woman. No one needs to feel isolated or defeated. How do we build a battle ready marriage? Can we raise kids who stand firm in the face of life’s ultimate challenges? Is battle ready warrior mode part of your family plan? Tamara will offer hope, courage, and practical strategies for our families.
Battle Ready Faith: For Battles You Don’t Expect to Fight, EVEN Brain Cancer, With Tamara Clymer, Her Story
Tamara Clymer joins Cathy to talk about her husband’s brain cancer, glioblastoma. Their daily moment by moment turned everything upside down. How did God prepare her and her family before the big battle ever began? She offers insight on how to prepare our children for battles we can’t predict. This is one mighty lady, bold and tender simultaneously. You are going to LOVE her. If you want battle ready faith for your family, don’t miss this!

Control and Perfectionism: Surrendering For God To Do the Impossible with Michelle Lazurek, Her Wisdom
Author Michelle Lazurek joins Cathy to talk about how overwhelming and scary some of our adventures can be! As women we get a lot thrown at us. Strong, successful women almost universally struggle with control and perfectionism. A lot of times, we’re expected to do it all perfectly. And keep it all under control,” laughs Michelle. As if. Don’t miss this fast-paced, often funny conversation as Michelle gets real about what it means (and does NOT mean) to surrender!
Anxiety and Depression: I Surrender All (Sort Of) With Michele Lazurek, Her Story
Michelle Lazurek joins Cathy to talks about her experience with anxiety, depression, and panic. “(Panic is) that constant feeling of fear. That comes in waves,” describes Michelle. Plus, she also gently shares insight about how controlling moms pass debilitating perfectionism down to their children. And why in the world would we stay in panic mode when we can find freedom? With compassion and authenticity, Michelle shares her secrets. This is one tender, talented, smart, get-real, Jesus-loving gal you won’t want to miss!
Healthy Ambition: Sparking Self-motivation in Kids with Anna Krafve Pierce

In this episode, Anna shares a personal approach to instilling healthy ambition in our kids. She also tells Cathy privately what she wants to talk about after the break. Of course, our Producer Roy could’ve fixed her accidental comment. But we thought you might enjoy hearing the unvarnished ambition Anna has for YOU, our listening friend. Plus, Anna shares some amazing stuff about one of Cathy’s favorite people in all the world—Anna’s hubby. Today’s podcast is devoted to instilling healthy ambition in our kids. Practical wisdom to understand what motivates our kids? You bet. You won’t want to miss this one! Plus, there’re easy ideas here you can try out TODAY with your own kiddos!
Mother-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Mentoring: Relationships Can Go Right! Deb DeArmond, Her Wisdom

Author, Speaker, and Life Coach Deb DeArmond joins Cathy to talk about mother-in-law, daughter-in-law relationships. Plus, Deb offers practical tips for those drawn to mentoring. (Also, find more in the podcast we called: Family Fatigue: Building Back Better Families.) Are there some big no-no’s to avoid for both sides of the mother-in-law, daughter-in-law relationship? You bet! Ever wish you could foster better relationships throughout all generations of your family? Of course. Don’t we all! You’ll love what this down-to-earth, funny expert shares when Cathy asks really personal questions. Don’t miss it!
Family Fatigue: Building Back Better Families in 2022 with Deb DeArmond
In this episode, Cathy interviews family expert, Deb DeArmond, a regular contributor to Focus on the Family. Deb shares personal stories about being a 19-year-old bride and how they grew together for 46 years of marriage. Plus, she shares some great stuff about how not to be THAT mother-in-law. Got “family fatigue”? With the holidays over, we all know family fatigue is real. Are you a mother-in-law, daughter, sister, mommy? Or an aspiring writer? Did your holiday leftovers include a big dish of residual family frustration? If your 2022 goal setting includes building back better family, you’re gonna love today’s interview.

“Clean Up Your Room!” Curating Your Child’s Collections
Today, Anna and Cathy talk about how you can change your approach and succeed in one of the most frustrating challenges a parent faces. Getting your child to clean up. With a great attitude. Seem impossible? Cathy confesses her bad “black bag” attitude about cleaning up. Anna ever-so-gently offers her a better way to interface with the grandkids. Fortunately us all, one of Cathy’s favorite joys in life is watching her kids parent better than she did! Don’t miss the laughs and good ideas here! By teaching them to curate their collections so they can focus on what really matters. We want our kids and grandkids to lives that leave us gasping with delight. That only happens when they understand priorities are people, not stuff.
Homelessness: A Compassionate PATH to Help with Andrea Wilson, Her Wisdom

(Callynth Photography)
PATH Executive Director Andrea Wilson joins Cathy to talk about how communities can face the family challenge of homelessness. Andrea is an expert with tons of experience, but what you’ll love most is her compassionate heart for those who need help in a crisis. She offers great ideas about how to halt the quick slide from crisis to homelessness. Plus, she shares insight about the mindset churches need in order to make a lasting impact on families in crisis. Best of all, you’ll love what she shares about progress one family, one community, one volunteer at a time. Don’t miss her practical advice on how we can all pitch in together!
Civic-Minded Kids: PATH for the Next Generation with Andrea Wilson, Her Story
Cathy couldn’t wait to interview PATH Executive Director Andrea Wilson. (PATH=People Attempting To Help. Don’t ya love it!) Andrea came through with tender and hilarious stories about how her parents influenced her to be the compassionate, civic-minded leader she is today. Are you also concerned about the culture we hand off to the next generation? Homelessness? Poverty? Hunger? Maybe, like Cathy, you’re paying close attention. Who else is raising civic-minded kids and grandkids? Don’t miss what this wise and wonderful young leader, Andrea, has to say!

Drug Addiction and Your Child: You are NOT Alone with Bobbie Ziemer, Her Wisdom
Drug-related crisis in your family? You are not alone. Media guru and mom Bobbie Ziemer continues her conversation with Cathy about the ways drug addiction can manifest in families. Families can face one pill ending in instant death to long decades of addiction. We fell in love with Bobbie’s beautiful heart. And with her great courage to pull together a book about Drug Addiction. We see God’s fingerprints all over the book, Not in Vain. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed and afraid. You are not alone. You’ll find comfort here.
The Drug Pandemic. Not in Vain: Real Addiction. Real Pain. With Bobbie Ziemer, Her Story
Media guru and mom Bobbie Ziemer brings unique blend of passion and pain to this episode with Cathy. Is the drug pandemic sweeping our nation simply media hype? Bobbie’s experience will open your heart to understand how families suffer. Bobbie brought together 167 moms who share their tender stories in the book, Not In Vain. Together, she and Cathy honor the memory of Bobbie’s daughter, Madison, as they talk about the ways families suffer. If you are looking for comfort, here it is.

Recipes to Teach Hospitality and Reading: Welcome to My Kitchen
Anna joins Cathy to talk about how great recipes get kids in the kitchen and reading! Anna points out how welcoming your children into your kitchen prepares them to welcome others into their hearts. AND prepares your pre-schoolers to read! “It’s about hospitality,” says Anna. “’Hospitality isn’t busy entertaining, but instead welcomes drop-in guests to join the daily pageantry of family life.’ Do you know what that’s from?” Then, Anna and Cathy burst into laughter together. It’s from an old cookbook Cathy pulled together for her family when Anna was tiny. Anna shares how that cookbook is still influencing her approach to life and friendships! Very personal, especially since Cathy only cooks for people who love her unconditionally! Don’t miss this fun episode!

Bedtime Stories and Pajama Parties: Inspiring Your Kids to Love Reading
Anna Pierce (Educator, Artist, and Cathy’s daughter) co-hosts to talk about how we can use bedtime stories, pajama parties, and family games to encourage our kiddos to read. “All my pajama stories involve our cousins and the silly things we did,” reports Anna. “It’s less about reading and more about silly adventures.” How can your bedtime rituals and family games help you conserve the things that really matter? What is a true conservatism in today’s politicized world? Don’t miss this podcast!

Memoirs for Kids: Scrapbooking to Own Their Stories Like a True Liberal
Co-host Anna Krafve Pierce joins Cathy to talk about how memoirs for kids, even scrapbooking, can teach kids to read and to own their stories. Anna dazzles with her insight about how giving and story-telling can unite families. As so often happens with Anna, she took this conversation in an unanticipated and deeper direction, including a Krafve family story about a lost cemetery plot. Eventually we all have stories we NEED to tell. Our stories pass along family values. They may even become crucial to our personal sanity as adults. Why not prepare your kids now to own their stories? They will thank you later.

Field Guides: Reading In Spite of Learning Differences with Anna Krafve Pierce
In this episode, Cathy and Anna offer encouragement to any young moms who might wonder if their child is dyslexic. Take heart! Anna shares a ton about how she helps dyslexic kiddos using spacial awareness in her classroom. Plus, how to protect your child from self-condemnation and self-inflicted defeat. She even finds an excuse to talk about horses at the barn! “Reading can be driven by just enjoying to read,” she says. But for most of us, it’s also driven by something else, according to Anna. Today’s blog and interview are dedicated to young mommies everywhere! We admire and affirm your devotion —your perseverance— to helping your child love reading!

Comic Books and Magazines: Reading for the Adventurous Child with Anna Krafve Pierce
In this episode, Cathy and her daughter, Artist and Educator Anna Krafve Pierce talk about how pictures in comic books and magazines prepare an adventurous child to read. The key is sequencing, explains Anna. She includes lots of personal stories about her own kiddos. Also, why would anyone encourage their child to be adventurous? Adventure seems scary to the loving parent who foresees booboos, broken bones, and trips to the emergency room. They cover all this and so much more in today’s blog and podcast. Join in now!

Classic Books: Inspiring Wisdom and Multi-Generational Readers with Anna Krafve Pierce Cathy chats with her daughter, Educator and Artist Anna Krafve Pierce about how reading the classics with her grandparents bound their love for each other. “I shared a vocabulary across generations and across time and now I guess across dimensions,” she says, referencing the fact that all her grandparents exist in heaven now. “Do you consider heaven a different dimension?” Anna’s comparison of heaven to a different dimension will strike your imagination. Time travel books, the Bible, and the classic books really do stretch our children’s imaginations—and ours! How do we inspire the next generation with a love of reading? How can classic books be our best tools? Don’t miss what this gifted educator, artist, and mommy shares about what she does with her own kiddos.

Inspiring Through Music: Winning the Heart of Your Child with Miles Pike, His Wisdom
A strong man. A devoted wife. Seems like a rarity, right? Cathy interviews gospel artist, Miles Pike. Together, Miles and his wife travel the globe inspiring through music. Plus, they are winning the heart of their first-born, a responsive three-year old named Lilly. With Dad’s Day, Cathy asks Miles to pass on some special ways parents can give their children the blessing of a big, beautiful faith. What are their secrets for winning the heart of a child? How do they inspiring their own children through music? Don’t miss what this tender-hearted musical daddy shares about giving our children the vocabulary they need to talk about deeply spiritual things, even if you’re musically-challenged, like, ahem, a certain show host we might know!
Harmony in Marriage: Choosing a United Mission with Miles Pike
Cathy is only kinda kidding when she says she judges men by how they talk about their wives. She really likes what well-known Christian musician, Miles Pike says about his beloved wife, Martha. Clearly, their life mission unites them in a beautiful way. In this episode, Miles shares more personal stories about music and bedtime with their own kids. Please don’t miss out on what this daddy tenderly shares for inspiring faith in children’s hearts through music. Plus all the good stuff about how life missions unite couples.

Healthy Marriage: Ready or Knot to Grow Strong Marriages with Scott Kedersha, His Wisdom
Scott Kedersha returns to share tons of wisdom with Cathy about growing healthy marriages and families. Who are our role models? “It’s going to be television. We’re gonna learn how to do marriage from the Batchelor, from social media. We’re watching Harry and Megan,” he laughs. Fortunately he has a much better way. In this episode, Scott offers insight about the 5 nonnegotiable for communication and conflict resolution. And he adds personal insight about what it means to live as a forgiven person. How do we keep from making the mistakes we’ve watched other people make? Heck, maybe even our own parents! Don’t miss the authentic stuff Scott shares from his heart! Yep, their conversation is pretty fast and sometimes funny. So are you ready or knot for a healthy marriage?
Wholehearted Marriages: Conversations for the Strong at Heart with Scott Kedersha, His Story
Waco’s Harris Creek Church Marriage Pastor Scott Kedersha joins Cathy to tell his story. How do we foster wholehearted marriages in community? People always say marriage is hard work. But it’s also a gift, according to Scott. You’ll LOVE Scott’s emphasis on the joy that comes from creating a wholehearted marriage. Don’t miss the insight of this devoted husband and dad to four boys!
Rebooting a Marriage: Re/Engage with Humility to Melt Hearts of Stone with Susan Cox, Her Wisdom

“Truthfully, at first I didn’t know the best ways to communicate. Eventually I was so frustrated, I didn’t care,” reports Cathy to Re/Engage Director Susan Cox in this extremely personal and transformative episode.
“Humility melts the heart of stone. Colossians 3 tells us we are to bathe ourselves in humility,” laughs Susan, adding “Husbands and wives, if you’re listening, when you get dressed every morning, we should bathe ourselves in humility!” Don’t miss what this gifted and humble lady has to say. Join tens of thousands of couples to share tools to restore and reboot a marriage anywhere people are ready for a change.
Broken Marriage? Re/Engage Even in the Worst Crisis with Susan Cox, Her Story
Nobody wants a broken marriage. We all want happily ever after and fairy dust. Where is the line for THAT marriage? Yet many of us get to a breaking point of frustration and pain in our marriage. We may feel like giving up. “I showed up broken and wanting to hide,” says Susan Cox, Director of Re/Engage, about the first time she came to her church, Watermark Community Church. Susan shares her story with courageous authenticity. Then, she adds some simple tried and true ideas that actually restore broken marriages. Don’t miss what this down-to-earth gal says about fixing what hurts!

Grace-filled Families: The Grace Impact on Family with Nancy Kay Grace Her Wisdom
For better or worst? But who wants worse! “There’s a starry eyed bride and groom repeating the vows and when I see them I think they have no clue!” Nancy Kay Grace returned this week to talk with Cathy about creating grace-filled families. Married for 45 years to her hubby Rick, Nancy shares an example of his grace towards her in her “dandelion disaster.” Plus, she shares the very personal challenges of loving a prodigal child. “All couples are incompatible. We all married the wrong people.” she adds, laughing and paraphrasing Stanley Hauerwas with a wink. Don’t miss what this phenomenal thinker has to say about a power that changes lives all around us!
Feel Overwhelmed? The Grace Impact Changes Everything with Nancy Kay Grace, Her Story
We all feel overwhelmed sometimes. When our lives overwhelm us, we need grace. But what is grace exactly? Cathy’s friend, author and speaker, Nancy Kay Grace talk together about one of their favorite topics. Even before her diagnosis, Nancy knew in her spirit something was wrong. “I shouldn’t wake up in the middle of the night with pain in my tongue,” she says. She shares her amazing story of finding peace as she lived through recurring crises. Grace impacts us all, even if we’re unaware of it. Don’t miss this chance to recognize the powerful force God has unleashed in your life!

Blaming God? The Tender Questions God Asks Us with Paula Quinn
Ever feel like blaming God? Of course. Paula Patton Quinn joins Cathy to talk about how we all sometimes feel forgotten by God. But behind the blame is a false assumption, according to Paula, author of The Questions God Asks. “God is withholding from me,” is the thought behind our feelings of abandonment, she says. How do we help ourselves and those we love when we feel like God is withholding? Easter is a great time to talk about the ways God seeks out companionship with us! Don’t miss what this wise friend and experienced justice-seeker has to say!
God’s Tender Questions: Ever Wonder What God Asks Us?
Paula Quinn joins Cathy to talk about the tender questions God asks us. Ever wonder what an intimate conversation would be like with a God? The God who seeks companionship with us? Paula explores the tender way God deals with those He loves. Paula wrote one of Cathy’s all-time favorite books. With a background in the justice system, Paula knows a ton about mercy, compassion, and companionship even in the toughest times. You’ll love her heart!

Searching Out the Glory in Each Other: Cherishing Your Marriage with Jack Sharpe
Wonder how your husband can miss what you just said? Bethlehem Books’ Jack Sharpe returns to talk with Cathy about cherishing marriage by seeking out the glory hidden in each other. This expert on community connects concepts with lightening precision. You can tell Cathy’s processing new info because she gets really quiet! “I was absolutely terrified,” Jack says about trusting God to sell their home and start rescuing children’s classics. Along the way, he learned some gigantic lessons about tuning in to his wife, rather than tuning out the plans God wanted to reveal through her. Listen in as he describes the way they discovered principles about listening and cherishing. All along, keeping commitments to companionship in the community they love.
Resurrecting Books: Values that Unite with Jack Sharpe
With our nation sharply divided, is there any hope of unity? Bethlehem Books’ Community Expert Jack Sharpe joins Cathy to talk about values that unite. Plus, Cathy ask him about their rescue mission for…drum roll…classic books! Jack and his beautiful wife, Jean, spent their sabbatical during Texas’s worst snowstorm in a hundred years in the Krafves’ cabin. Normally, the Sharpes live in a community of believers in North Dakota similar to L’Abri. If you’re familiar with the work of Francis Schaeffer, you’ll know what we mean. In this interview, Jack discusses how normal people can foster community, uniting in spite of differences. Don’t miss his timely insight!

Calm in a Crisis: Faith Tested By Fire With Robin Luftig
Life throws lots of surprises at us. Frigid temps and snow? Check. Silly mistakes of our youth? Check. But, a faith that is tried by fire is a faith that can be trusted, according to Robin Luftig. Robin joins Cathy to talk about what she learned about faith in her near-death encounter with a brain tumor. Cathy has questions. Lots of questions. How do we stay calm in a crisis with all the challenges life dishes out? Not to mention our own silly mistakes? You’re gonna love Robin’s gentle spirit and the quiet, thoughtful way she answers all Cathy’s questions. Talk about authentic! Listen in as these two unpretentious women talk about the realities of faith in a tricky world. You’re in for a treat today!
God’s Best During Your Worst with Robin Luftig
What would you do if you only had ten days left to live? Robin Luftig joins Cathy to share she learned about communication by way of a brain tumor. How would you respond if you found out they were about peel a tumor the size of your doctor’s fist off your brain? Maybe you haven’t had a brain tumor. Robin knows shocking pain is not one size fits all. Life changes in a heartbeat. Confusion? Facing our own mortality? Heartache? How do we uncover God’s best during the worst moments of our life? Don’t miss what this amazing woman shares about life, happiness, and trusting God for His best.

Balance: the Brain-Gut Connection and the Secret of Mental Health (Or, try here for more.)
Sparking Wholeness’s Erin Kerry joins Cathy to talk about how to restore balance in our lives. Throughout life, stress and mental illness affect us all. Is your boss a bully? Is your child acting out? Does your spouse fail to listen to you? All can produce stress and anxiety. Celiac Disease and thyroid issues? What about the stress of hormonal teenagers, postpartum, or aging parents? What’s a woman to do! Join us now for this lighthearted examination of practical ways we can L.I.V.E. And you’ll LOVE Erin’s acronym!
Mental Illness and Sparking Wholeness: Erin Kerry’s Story
In this episode, Cathy interviews Sparking Wholeness’s Erin Kerry to find out how we can overcome the rampant mental health issues facing families these days. Erin shares her own personal battle with bipolar disorder following childhood trauma. You’ll love Erin’s down-to-earth attitude and her practical ideas for achieving mental health and wholeness. With authority born out of experience and training, Erin talks about meds, including side effects like hallucinations and many more. She defines mania or hyper-mania. Even with such a tough topic, these two gals chuckle about how hard it can be to figure out if your kids are showing symptoms of mental imbalance or just being typical teenagers. Parenting is not for wimps, that’s for sure! Whether you or someone you love suffers with mental health challenges, you won’t want to miss this powerful episode!

Curiosity: Teaching Your Child to Glory in Education with Anna Krafve Pierce (Or, try here for more.)
Anna joins Cathy to talk about one of the huge blessings to come out of probably the weirdest years ever! The silver lining of 2020? The way families got more time together. Last year forced us to rediscover the glory of education. How can we use our kids’ natural curiosity to our advantage this coming year? Your children’s natural curiosity is their ticket to self-learning. Education is glorious. A true privilege. Our American forefathers exalted and treasured education. It’s not enough to get an education and glorify yourself. The purpose of education is to serve others. If ever parents across our nation understood this principle, I guess 2020 proved our willingness to make sacrifices in the name of educating our kiddos. Listen in now for Anna’s hints about how to stir the curiosity of your kids. Don’t miss the glory of education!

Devotion and Bright Paper Packages Tied Up with Strings (Or, try here for more.)
Anna joins Cathy with great ideas for how gratitude sparks more devotion in our families. Wondering if the holidays will be fun or furious? Cathy confesses to grumpiness this time of year. Together this mother-daughter duo laugh about family fails. Anna shares personal stories about grandparents’ faith. Why is the Can-Can Song a family favorite? Cathy tells about unexpected, crazy answers to prayer. Anna analyzes the ways gratitude prompts devotion, in the hearts of toddlers, and, yes, Mommy’s heart, too! Don’t miss this very personal celebration of the power of gratitude and devotion.

Communicating with Wisdom, Co-Host Ellen Trant and Cathy in a Personal Conversation (Or, try here for more.)
Ellen and Cathy celebrate blessings with heartfelt gratitude. Guess what? YOU are one of them! Also, BIG news.In 2020, Fireside Talk Radio podcasts downloaded over 3 million times. Wow! THREE Million. Huge! Most importantly, we are truly grateful for all YOU’ve done to help us catapult the messages of heroic people out into the universe. Please pray their tender stories keep comforting others.NEVER wanted to look closely at the woman at the well, much less pull over 40 communication principles out of the story! Not in a million years did she think this Bible story would be her first book! This episode is packed with wisdom about creating authentic conversations. Listen in now to transform the lives of those you love in ONE conversation!
The Search for Intimacy, Personal Stories with Cathy and co-host, Ellen Krafve Trant (Or, try here for more.)
In this episode, Ellen interviews her mom! And they laugh pretty hard about some silly, personal stuff. Plus, Cathy confesses she feels really nervous. Ellen asks great questions to prompt her mom to share the nitty-gritty, personal stories about her relationship with both her mom and her dad (Ellen’s grandparents). Tune in for a very authentic, spontaneous conversation about how having a few strategies can lead to life-changing conversations. Cathy tells the truth about why she NEVER wanted to look closely at the woman at the well, much less pull over 40 communication principles out of the story! Not in a million years did she think this Bible story would be her first book!

Rebuilding Relationships After Sexual Abuse with Sarah Van Hook (Or, try here for more.)
Therapist Sarah Van Hook joins Cathy to talk about rebuilding relationships after sexual abuse implodes a family. Most of her work experience has been intervention with patients in acute crisis. But Sarah knows first-hand how the long-term consequences devastate families. How can a mom respond in healthy ways? What if you spend years in foster care as a kid? What if your daughter won’t reconnect with you? In such a heartbreaking situation, is there hope? Yes! Don’t miss the terrific insight this expert and tender-hearted lady brings!
Sexual Abuse: Claiming Victory Over Darkness with Sarah Van Hook (Or, try here for more.)
Therapist Sarah Van Hook joins Cathy to talk about life after sexual abuse. The beauty of this courageous woman is in what she’s done with her experiences, some of them very traumatic. When you’ve experienced sexual abuse, how do you claim victory? Sarah is in a very unique spot to give great counsel. Once the victim of an abuser herself, she grew up to be a trained counselor. She is now a champion pediatric and geriatric therapist. Yep, she’s seen the full gamut of evil out there in all its manifestations. Sarah is pushing back the darkness every day victoriously showing others the way. You’ll love her down-to-earth attitude. If we didn’t tell you, you might not ever guess this is one well-educated chick! Join us now as Sarah spreads victory to others!

Talking to Teenage Daughters: 5 Tips for Tuning In with DeeDee Lake (Or, try here for more.)
Connections Exert DeeDee joins Cathy to share wisdom on how to bolster the hearts of teenage girls. Conversation is the basis of all companionship, but how do we talk to our teenager daughters? If only we could capture our daughter’s heart? Not to mention her attention for more than thirty seconds! “Teenagers look weird, they smell weird, they sound weird, but they’re not!” laughs DeeDee. “They are just a walking big heart that needs love. If we see them the way Jesus sees them, we’re gonna love them.” Mentoring your teenage daughter may not be as hard as it sounds. Tune in now!
Next Step: Creating the Right Conversations with Your Daughter with DeeDee Lake (Or, try here for more.)
Connections Expert DeeDee Lake joins Cathy to talk about how do we keep our daughter’s hearts and souls safe in this crazy world. No matter how destructive our culture gets, there’s hope for parents, according to DeeDee. What’s next for teenage girls? How do we create the right conversations with our daughters? DeeDee’s passion is communication and connection. There’s a reason she has a heart for teen and preteen girls. Don’t miss what this funny, tenderhearted expert has to say about pre-empting the culture’s destructive pull to guard the heart and soul of your daughter.
“Porn-Proofing” Your Kids: Fighting for Love with Rosie MaKinney (Or, try here for more.)

Cathy is not waiting for Thanksgiving to thank God for champion warrior women, like Rosie MaKinney. Rosie joined Cathy to talk about “porn-proofing” your kids. Hollywood seems to claim October for evil and destruction in the name of entertainment. Our culture throws all kinds of yucky stuff at families, especially at our most vulnerable children. Rosie shares the science behind why parents need to pay attention to the threat for both their sons and daughters. She also joyfully brings resources and practical ideas to keep our kids and grandkids safe. Today, we’re reclaiming October to safeguard our kids! Don’t miss this content-packed episode with one of the leading experts on this crucial topic.
The Big P, “Porn Addiction”: Fighting for Love and Intimacy with Rosie MaKinney, Her Story (Or, try here for more.)
Rosie Makinney joins Cathy to talk seriously about what takes to free our families of all the problems associated with “porn addiction.” Cathy is so pleased to bring you the story and wisdom of a champion in the Fight For Love. “What I’d heard were these sort of scandalizing stories in the tabloids of celebrities doing, you know, deep and dark things. It all seemed a little sordid and scary,” Rosie says. Folks can put out movies exploiting young girls in dance class, but we can’t talk about how to reclaim our homes? Can you believe it! Marriages, children, churches, and communities are fed a steady stream of Big P saturating our eyes, ears, and hearts. It feels impossible to escape. Really? No way! Join us now for great news on how to claim freedom in your home and life!

Walk-in Education. No Homeschool Burn Out Here! with Anna Krafve Pierce (Or, try here for more.)
Cathy and her co-host, Anna Krafve Pierce, ALWAYS come from the place of keeping life easier for MOM! That’s right. Being Mom is hard enough without guilt trips. Are you groaning under the weight of textbooks and assignments? if so, you are NOT alone. With only one month down and eight more to go, how can you lighten your own load? Time travel. Quiet moments with your kids. A sanctuary for you and your kids. DIY curriculum. Listen in now, as Cathy and Anna chat about one of their favorite, easiest ways to inspire joy and responsibility in self-learning.

The Sisterhood of Warrior Women: Praying Friends with Angie Ruark, Her Wisdom (Or, try here for more.)
Spending time on social media today? Dr. Angie Ruark and Cathy talk about how to build a life around women praying powerfully. Want your own sisterhood of warrior women who pray? A wonderful sisterhood of spiritual warrior women exists to serve each other, especially by praying it forward. For instance, once you get your kids raised and out the door, a marvelous thing happens. You suddenly have more energy to do the things you always dreamed of doing. Angie knows first hand what it’s like to suddenly realize you already know the women you need. Are you building a social media platform? Or a catapult? Tune in now for Dr. Angie’s wisdom!
Spiritual Warrior Women: Devoted to Prayer with Angie Ruark, Her Story (Or, try here for more.)
Angie Ruark has a knack for attracting spiritual warrior women into her life. Whether it’s her friends, her fellow-writers, or her daughters-in-law! She joins Cathy to talk about what happens when spiritual warrior women pray. There’s got to be an irony in here somewhere. How does the mother of three boys become an expert at attracting spiritual warrior women to pray? “God made it very clear to me there were lots of spiritual warrior women I already knew. When I see someone I know, their gifts just stand out.” She shares her secrets for recognizing the good women God sends your way. If you’re wondering how God works through other women, don’t miss this episode!

Nobody escapes pain in this world. We can learn from suffering with Lindsey Bell, Her Wisdom (Or, try here for more.)
Author Lindsey Bell returns to share tender insight about how we weather pain unbeaten. We can come out better for suffering. In the process, she shares stories of people who comforted her when she experienced four miscarriages back-to-back. What did Lindsey learn from the tender comfort offered by God through His people? If anyone you know is suffering, or if your heart is broken, you will want to tune in to hear Lindsey speak from her victorious heart.
Unbeaten by Pain: A Beautiful Life in the Midst of Miscarriage with Lindsey Bell, Her Story (Or, try here for more.)
Author and mom Lindsey Bell joins Cathy to talk about surviving wrenching pain unbeaten. When you marry your high school sweetheart, you don’t picture a future that includes miscarriage. Most people avoid pain. But what if you can’t? Today’s episode is dedicated to four beautiful kids in heaven, Eden, Jesse, Ella, and Jadon. Lindsey shares about how she faced down four miscarriages, honors the babies she lost and offers encouragement to other people when they are in pain. If you or someone you love is suffering, don’t miss the comfort Lindsey shares!

DIY Curriculum: How to Inspire Self-learning in Kids with Anna Krafve Pierce (Or, try here for more.)
Cathy and Anna share one of the top secrets of truly successful homeschooling parents–getting our kids to enjoy learning for themselves. If you can get your children to teach themselves everyone wins! Teachers, parents, and best of all the kids themselves! Not only that, but you also equip your kids for success throughout life. Why? Because every truly successful leader is a natural self-learner. Most leaders read several books a month. Wow! So, how do you get your child to love learning so much they seek to educate themselves? You may be surprised at how easy it truly is!

Motherhood: Encouraging Yourself in a Hands Full Life with Brooke Frick, Her Wisdom (Or, try here for more.)
“I didn’t expect it would be so hard,” Brooke Frick says. Then she and Cathy break into giddy laughter. You can see why we love this author and mother of five. Motherhood is one thing. Motherhood times five? Oh, my! As Brooke shares, you may notice a pattern of encouragement. She loves to talk about how to depend on God’s strength when we feel weak. If life is feeling like a drudge, Brooke’s humor and honesty may be just the boost you need! Don’t miss a chance to laugh along with these two fun women!
Hands Full: Humor and Inspiration for Devoted Mommies with Brooke Frick, Her Story (Or, try here for more.)
Mother of five and author, Brooke Frick comes on the show to talk about her life with her Hands Full. You will love her humor and authenticity as much as we do! Brooke is living proof that even when we feel down, God’s good plans can strengthen us for the adventure He has in store for our families. Is a good day just getting a shower and some clean clothes on mom? If you’re wondering how you’ll make it through another day of unmade beds, laundry, and dirty tissues, Brooke’s encouragement will include the laughter and insight you need!

Architecture: How to Create Cool Drive Through Education for Your Family with Anna Krafve
Anna and Cathy talk family stories, hilarious history, and architecture on this episode. How do we hand down family values from the air-conditioned comfort of our cars? Can a tour of your hometown convey tons of fun history so your kids do better in their school work? Do the bricks on your house or the furniture inside tell their own stories? You bet! Take a stroll down memory lane. Help yourself to a little drive-through education. If you’re tapping your nails in anticipation of school opening back up, don’t miss this chance to teach your children some life-changing lessons packaged as pure fun.

Carried By Grace: When Sexual Abuse Happens in Your Home with Deb Butterfield, Her Wisdom
Debra L. Butterfield joins Cathy to talk frankly about what it means to forgive someone who has sexually abused your daughter. And what forgiveness is NOT. What will your life look like now? Will your daughter forgive you? Has God forgotten you? Will your brain ever un-fog? Who can you trust? Deb includes practical tips for maintaining some kind of normalcy in crisis. She tenderly encourages us to know our families can heal. In fact, she and Cathy even laugh–yes, laugh–throughout this gentle conversation filled with comfort for the broken-hearted mom still reeling from the trauma. If you think life will never be the same, listen in now as Deb describes healed lives and what hope looks like after sexual abuse.
Mothers of Victims of Sexual Abuse: Carried by Grace with Deb Butterfield, Her Story
Author, editor, and friend, Debra L. Butterfield joins Cathy to share her personal story of discovering someone she loved had been sexually abusing her daughter. Over twenty years ago, the worst nightmare a mother can imagine unfolded in Deb’s life. This warrior-hearted woman discovered the unthinkable. A strong believer and military veteran, Deb explores the emotions a woman feels in the worst trauma a family can experience. Deb offers understanding to the rest of us as she answers important questions. How can a mom miss the signs? What should Christian friends say–or not say? When does the pain subside? If you or someone you know is experiencing this kind of trauma, you don’t want to miss this information-packed episode!

Life, Liberty, and Music, Celebrating American Faith with Anna Krafve
Anna joins Cathy to talk about the “other verses” of some of their favorite patriotic hymns. If you ever wondered if American patriots loved God over the centuries tune in for this lively discussion. Not only that, but Anna also throws in some of her trademark creative tips for inspiring kids to love God and country. In a world that seems to be falling apart because people can’t agree, Cathy and Anna find highlight the Biblical ideas that bind Americans together. Don’t miss this tribute to the faith of our Fathers.

True Grit: Teaching Kids to be Fearless in the Face of Failure with Anna Krafve Pierce
Educator and co-host Anna Krafve Pierce joins Cathy to talk about being fearless in the face of failure. True Grit isn’t about being extra brave or stubborn. Okay, maybe it’s a little bit of raw stubbornness. But, really true grit is about being fearless in the face of failure. How do we teach our children to get back up when they fall down? Whether it’s potty training toddlers or standing up for what is right, we all need a little fearlessness to face down our momentary challenges. Life demands true grit out of all of us along the way. If you’re wondering how to process all that’s happening on our culture, you’re going to love what Anna shares about inspiring true grit in our kids every day.

Refueling Our Hearts When Burn-out Strikes with Dr. Stan Ward
Dr. Stan Ward joins Cathy to offer some practical advice from his own experience with managing home, work, and caregiving, all simultaneously. Many people think burn-out is a work thing, but, um, there’s more to the story. So, how do we refuel our hearts when burn-out strikes?
If you’re sputtering for air, Stan points out there’s no shame in burn-out. Stan gives great advice from his own personal experience with burn-out. Plus, he comes at it from a scientific, data-driven perspective because the guy’s, well, really smart. Don’t miss this episode for the encouragement we all really need to restore our joy!
Beating Burn Out: Conquering In Community with Dr. Stan Ward, His Story
You could say Dr. Stan Ward is an accidental expert on burn-out. “When our school receptionist met me with a worried look as I came to work, I knew something was wrong,” he writes in an article for Crosswalk, “‘Stan, Mindy’s been in an accident.’” Stan joins Cathy to talk about how life as he knew it came to a crashing halt. Soon, he was caring for their two young daughters, making meals, doing laundry, working full time, finishing his doctorate, and going to therapy with his beloved wife. Phew! Stan shares about beating burn out from his personal experience. If life’s got you running ragged, you don’t want to miss this!

Domestic Violence: Anchoring Sisters with Paula Silva Her Wisdom
Paula Silva joins Cathy to talk about how we can be there for sisters who face domestic violence. She offers us lots of practical wisdom, including how we can make the church a safe place for folks to get help. Paula has made it her mission to help churches educate themselves, but she’ll tell you it’s God doing all the work! If you love your church and want to start a healthy conversation on this difficult topic, you’ll love what Paula shares. Don’t miss this information-packed episode with one of the nation’s leading authorities on the subject of domestic violence, especially in the church.
Domestic Violence In the Church: Her Story with Paula Silva
National expert on domestic violence Paula Silva joins Cathy to talk about what we need to know to be alert. She includes a chilling reaction by her pastor when she shared with him about the domestic violence she experienced in her home. There is a warning in her story for all of us who love God and love His Church. How can we be on guard against domestic violence—the silent attack—especially in the church pews? Paula’s story informs us on how to help those who need to break free.

Hospitable Hearts: The Bounce Back of Welcome with Anna Krafve Pierce
For Mother’s Day, Cathy and her daughter, Anna Krafve Pierce, get together to talk about how hospitable hearts bless everyone! All women struggle with feeling unworthy. We hear this over and over in interviews with amazing successful women who’ve conquered tons of stuff. So how do we offer our own hearts the same kind of welcome we want to give others? By welcoming others into our hearts and lives. Our children become more confident when they see the value God puts on all people. Anna gets really practical about how that looks in our daily lives, especially when friendships don’t work out the way we expected. She even includes games and hilarious questions to teach your teenagers so they can start up great conversations, like, what to ask your prom date! Listen in now!

Perfection Ain’t Pretty with Tammy Whitehurst, Her Wisdom
Petticoats showing? Spinach in your teeth? Tammy Whitehurst joins Cathy to laugh about the real struggles all women face. The temptation to look perfect is real. However, perfectionism doesn’t make people run to you. It’s going to make people run from you. “When loneliness builds up, anxiety will creep in. What happens is we fall into a comparison trap.” It can feel like somehow God overlooked us. “We have to stop worrying about being bulletproof,” emphasizes Tammy. “We can’t take everything the world heaps upon us.” How do we honor God’s divinity in our humanity? Don’t miss what this hilarious, tender lady has to say!
Joy for Life’s Journey with Tammy Whitehurst Her Story
Ever wonder if you suffer from “Marth-itis,” not arthritis? Joy for the Journey’s Tammy Whitehurst joins Cathy to laugh together about life’s challenges. Tammy shares how a heart incident in her 30s got her attention. “The Lord began to change my heart,” she says. He put her on a path of influence and collaboration she never could have anticipated. She shares how successful women everywhere can find the “calm in the chaos”! If your goal today is to finish strong, you’ll love what this hilarious lady shares!

Overcoming Blind Spots with Ashley Kutach, Her Story
Blind Spot co-author Ashley Kutach shares how trying out a new skill set can spark new confidence. Stereotyped by her natural shyness as a child, she accidentally volunteered to do some public speaking in elementary school. What a transformative experience! Now she specializes in coaching other leaders, bringing all her human resource and facilitating experience to bear for us in this episode. Thinking of trying something new? Her thoughts on the way we develop self-awareness will encourage you to step out into your next venture! Don’t miss the gentle encouragement offered by this tender-hearted, wise leader!

5 Steps to Change with Toie Martin, Her Wisdom
Toie Martin joins Cathy to break down the 5 steps of all change. “Once I say them, you’re going to say, ‘dah,’” she jokes. But, honestly, I learned a ton from this gifted teacher, business consultant, speaker, and nurse. Toie noticed the five steps underlying all change while she was implementing Lean Six Sigma in multimillion-dollar companies overseas. Now she’s sharing about to get past our brain’s natural aversion to change. No one should live joylessly living paycheck to paycheck. With humor, she shares a lifetime of wisdom about creating the life you always wanted. If you’re ready to make a lasting positive change, don’t miss her wonderful insight!
Positive Change, A Leap of Faith with Toie Martin, Her Story
Leadership guru and change expert Toie Martin joins Cathy to talk about how to go from your dreadful to your dreamy job. When Toie got her first bad boss after loving nursing for over ten years, she knew it was time for a change. She can laugh about it now, but at the time change felt scary. Have you ever felt stuck in your job? What about relationships going off course no matter how hard you try? Toie even encourages Cathy about weight lost and regained. If you’re looking to make positive change with lasting impact, don’t miss this episode!

Camping, Glamping, and the Glorious Outdoors with Anna Krafve Pierce
Cathy gleans ideas from Anna about taking your family camping the easy way. Do you like air conditioning and real bathrooms? Do you dread gearing up for a campout? Or do you go all-in with enthusiasm? No matter how you feel about camping, Anna and Cathy offer up the quick and easy way to give your children memories for a lifetime! Cathy shares her silly bunkbed hammock idea and confesses she failed at camping. Anna talks about the memories and the fun in spite of her mom’s mess-ups. Do you have what it takes to camp with your kids? Yes! Camping is easier than you may think!

Anorexia and Freedom: No Exceptions with Beauty Beyond Bones’ Caralyn, Her Wisdom
Blogger Caralyn from BeautyBeyondBones.com joins Cathy to talk about how families and churches need to talk about eating disorders. Caralyn shares all the wisdom she’s gained personally in this open conversation about the ways anorexia affects sufferers. These two compassionate women talk boldly about the symptoms and much more. How can Christians bring up such a tender subject at home or at church? If someone you know seems to be suffering, don’t wait. People need to take quick action to help. Listen in as Caralyn shares important information here.
Anorexia: Blessed and Beautiful with Beauty Beyond Bones’s Caralyn, Her Story
Known for her soul-baring blog, BeautyBeyondBones’s Caralyn joins Cathy to talk about Anorexia. “Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses,” she declares. In this episode, she shares the spiritual battle to get victory in the face of an eating disorder. If you suspect someone you love is suffering from an eating disorder, don’t wait to get help. Truly, sufferers need to be under professional care immediately, according to Caralyn. She shares her own story with courage, compassion, and wisdom. If you or someone you love is affected by anorexia, please listen in now to this tender conversation.

True Love and Faithfulness Valentine’s Day 2020 with Anna Krafve Pierce
Ever wonder if true love is only a fairy tale? Anna joins Cathy to brainstorm ways we can instill loyalty and faithfulness into the hearts of our children. No matter the age of your kids, these ideas will put them on the path to true love. Don’t miss the fun as this mother and daughter combo share stories and insight about what it takes to raise kiddos prepared to love for a lifetime. Plus, Anna shares hilarious and easy ways to bless the man in your life this Valentine’s Day. How to define romance to fit your family’s lifestyle? Don’t miss her answers!

Inspiring Flashlight Readers with Anna Krafve Pierce
Can’t put the book down til it’s finished? We get it! Anna joins her mom to talk about how her beloved grandmother, Ann Primer, inspired flashlight readers for four generations and counting. If you’ve ever been tempted to keep reading after curfew, you’re gonna laugh along with these two incorrigible bibliophiles! Want some fresh, easy tips on inspiring your own kiddos and grands to love books as much as you do? Tune in as these two ladies dish about all things literary!

Tips for Finding Trustworthy Friendship, His Wisdom Pastor James Dill
Retired pastor James Dill, founder of The Shepherd’s Heart, joins Cathy with tips for fending trustworthy friends and mentors. Filled with personal stories, Pastor James even shares the vulnerable moment when, after years of serving in ministry, he realized he still needed to forgive his dad. He’s convinced burn out and discouragement are trials that face us all as we pursue the calling God has on our lives. You’ll love the victorious end of the story about his dad (especially here at the holidays with family time approaching (looming? wink, wink!). His wisdom refreshes and energizes us for the victory God prepares for us today!
The Shepherd’s Heart: Don’t Give UP, His Story Pastor James Dill
Who lives in Sunday school classrooms?! The pastor and his young family, that’s who! Retired Pastor James Dill, Founder of The Shepherd’s Heart, joins Cathy to tell personal stories from a lifetime of leadership. He’s convinced everyone faces discouragement and burn-out, especially those who follow a calling from the Lord. Pastor James shares candidly about how lay leaders and pastors can come together to spread blessings all across American communities. If you’re wondering what you can do to promote unity and compassion in your community, you’ll love what this good man shares!

Holiday Romance under Your Tree? Catherine Ulrich Brakefield Shares Her Wisdom
Want a little holiday romance under your tree this year? Romance novelist and expert Catherine Ulrich Brakefield joins Cathy to talk about how commitment sparks up romance in the real world! Can true love still happen? You bet! Catherine shares her insight into what it takes to create a tug-of-war, give-and-take love story worth fighting for. You’ll love what this skillful writer has to say about creating an environment where love lasts a lifetime. Prepare to be encouraged!
Romance Writer With a Swept Off Her Feet Story! with Catherine Ulrich Brakefield
Ever wonder if romantic dreams come true? Yes! According to romance expert Catherine Ulrich Brakefield, dreams do come true. She joins Cathy to talk about what makes for happy endings. Catherine takes us back in time to the day over forty years ago when she met the man of her dreams. Although, she had no idea the handsome sailor sitting next to her would propose in less than a week! Don’t miss this epic love story, told by a master romance writer!

Sassy Faith: Her Wisdom with Michelle Medlock Adams
Michelle Medlock Adams joins Cathy to share her best wisdom for joy and victory, even when we feel like a hot mess today! Holding nothing back, Michelle shares personal stories about how God grows our faith, while we wait patiently (or not-so-patiently) on him! How do we start our day with the Lord when it feels too hard to get out of bed? Is it okay to retreat to the bathroom alone?! Seriously. You’ll laugh with Michelle. And you’ll feel ready to get back in there and speak blessings over your family. Don’t miss what this game-changing, belly-laughing friend has to say about standing against the enemy for the victory!
Platinum Faith: Trusting the God who Loves Us, Her Story with Michelle Medlock Adams
Michelle Medlock Adams joins Cathy to share how God miraculously opened the doors to let her write children’s book. If you’re thinking, “I’ve always wanted to write children’s book. Now that my kids are no longer toddlers or now that my kids have kids of their own, I finally get to write for children,” this interview will encourage you to trust God with your dream. Perhaps you’ve read Platinum Faith or any of Michelle’s other 90+ books (yes, that’s ninety!!), you’ll want to hear the personal update she shares about her grandson, Bear. With trust in the One who loves us tenderly, Michelle calls down his promises on us all! You won’t want to miss the way this victorious friend sparks up the energy in life!

Raising History-Loving Kids with Danny Sessums, Ph.D.
Dr. Dany Sessums joins Cathy to offer his best tips for raising history loving kiddos. And he does some of the interview in an Irish accent! He shares how his love of history snagged him roles in multiple documentaries, movies, and television series. “As luck would have it—and I mean my life has been luck, but I’m gonna say God inspired luck—a Hollywood producer saw that (performance) and gave me a call. I’m gonna tell you, I thought it was a friend of mine pulling a joke on me at the time,” laughs Danny. “He said, ‘We’re gonna do a series of movies, called North and South.” Do you wish you knew more history? Are you installing a love of history in the hearts of your own children? Don;t miss what this well-respected Antebellum expert has to say!
Growing Up a History Nerd with Danny Sessums, Ph.D.
Growing up a history nerd wasn’t easy for Danny Sessums. He joins Cathy to share his story and tips for raising history-loving kids at your house. As a youngster, Danny found an unusual fossil and his love for all things historic was born. The local newspaper picked up the story. “I became known as Dinosaur Dan,” laughs Danny. Television Consultant, Antebellum Authority, Professor, Museum Designer, Author. With so many titles, who would believe Danny grew up with a bootlegger for a dad? You won’t want to miss what this hilarious guest shares about the challenges of raising history-loving kids!

Teaching Kids to Respect Sacrifice: Veteran’s Day with Anna Krafve Pierce
Co-host Anna Krafve Pierce joins Cathy to talk about ways to pass down a love of country to the next generation. Veteran’s Day is a favorite holiday for this mother-daughter duo, so they have plenty to share. They offer inspirational ideas about why we honor our heroes. Plus, silly to serious, there’s no end to the fun we can create for our families around this profoundly personal holiday. If you want to teach your kiddos to love of country and respect the sacrifices made for freedom, please tune in!

Cheap and Easy Homemade Costumes with Anna Krafve Pierce
Thinking about cheap and easy homemade costumes for your kids this year? Anna Krafve Pierce brainstormed some terrific costume ideas for us. Pirates or princesses? Firefighters or fall fairies? Soldiers or superheroes? Don’t miss the fun as Anna explains how dressing up can be a significant part of helping your children imagine their amazing future!

Securing Religious Liberty: Recent Victories and Pending Battles with Lathan Watts, His Wisdom
First Liberty’s Lathan Watt’s joins Cathy to review recent Supreme Court wins for religious liberty. Any threat to religious liberty seems scary. When it comes to matters of faith, we all want to follow our own consciences. Attacks on our faith—or our lack of it—feel un-American. So, what’s up next in the battle for securing religious liberty? “We are very busy which means there are a lot of attacks on religious liberty going on around the country. But, we’re also winning, so that’s the good news.” First Liberty is the nation’s largest legal organization exclusively dedicated to defending religious liberty. Plus, they never charge their clients! If you want to know what is happening in the battle to secure religious liberty, you’ll want to tune in for Lathan’s eyewitness accounts!
Raising Liberty Loving Kids with Lathan Watts, His Story
Defending religious liberty all the way to the Supreme Court takes up a ton of Lathan Watts’s mental energy. An attorney with First Liberty, one of the nation’s foremost defender of religious liberty, Lathan joins Cathy recently so she could pick his brain on instilling a love of religious liberty in the younger generations. You’ll love his passion and sense of humor. Lathan sports an insider’s view of where the battle lines are drawn on the issue of religious liberty. Plus, he shared his personal book list for raising liberty loving kids. You won’t want to miss this constitutional scholar’s thoughts on how we protect our religious liberty!

Suddenly Single Mom with Jeanette Hanscome, Her Wisdom
In this episode, Jeanette Hanscome shares authentically about all the wisdom she gained as she went through divorce. Everyone who ever goes through divorce wonders if their kids will be okay. Jeanette addresses this common fear and many others with practical insight from her hard-won experience. Wonder if your church friends will be judge-y? What do you say to someone going through divorce? Are you struggling with how much to tell your friends about an extremely private crisis? You’ll love what Jeanette shares her straight from her heart. This is one you’ll want to share with friends!
Surprised by Divorce with Jeantte Hanscome, Her Story
Jeanette Hanscome joins Cathy to talk about how divorce impacted her life with her kids. Author of Suddenly Single Mom, Jeanette shares authentically about all the fears and tender moments associated with going through a divorce. Since, she’s visually impaired, Jeanette learned a ton about how to ask friends for help, how keeping a record of blessings changes everything, and how our own attitudes as moms can impact the kids in a positive way. If you’re going through a divorce or know someone who is, you won’t want to miss Jeanette’s practical insight!

Tea Time Anytime: Raising Confident Girls with Anna Krafve Pierce
Could raising confident girls be as easy as planning a tea time anytime? Yes! This week, Anna joined me to share what she’s learning about teaching her young daughter to be comfortable in ALL social settings. Anna even talks about “rejection-proofing” your child. If you want to prepare your daughter to engage with women of all varieties, no matter where in the world God leads her, you’ll love Anna’s easy tips. We believe you’ll want to share her thoughts with all you friends! It’s as easy as serving tea! So, grab yourself a hot beverage and listen in now!

Back to School: A Plan for Success with Anna Krafve Pierce
Ah, the relief of back to school! A plan for success each day! Suddenly, weekdays fall into place and weekends gain savored freedom. Kids groan. Moms rejoice. Whether you taxi your children to school or prepare to homeschool, you’ll love Anna’s back to school ideas for success. Want to avoid fashion miscalculations? Pack a lunch they’ll be excited to open? Prepare them to make real friends and handle the dumb stuff other kids say and do? Listen in for Anna’s insight as a mommy AND a teacher….

Entrepreneurship and How to Launch a Book or a Business with Mike Sahno
Writer, Publisher, and Entrepreneur Mike Sahno, joins Cathy to chat about creating your own company and following your dreams. No stranger to challenge, Mike understands the hurdles small business owners face. Author of the newly released fiction novel, Whizzers, Mike even throws in some worthwhile tips about how and why to publish a book. With several books and his latest release, Mike knows the angst and the joy of seeing your message in print! He talks about adding value for your readers long before they ever read your blog or book. As Cathy and Mike chat, he pulls together tips for the entrepreneurial at heart, especially about how to grow a social media following. If you’ve ever thought about starting your own business or writing the book of your dreams, you won’t want to miss Mike’s advice.

Forgive Relentlessly, Praying in the Face of Injustice with Janet McHenry, Her Wisdom
Drum Roll, Please…Yep, this is the episode on prayer we’ve been anticipating for months! Prayerwalking Janet McHenry joins Cathy to talk about their mutual love of prayer! Author of the Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus, Janet shared all kinds of wisdom, including how Jesus prayed while “forgiving relentlessly.” If you thought prayer was for wimps or victims, you’ll be amazed as Janet breaks down the way we access Jesus’s power. Are you, like so many people, wondering if you know how to pray the right way? Janet’s insight had us shivering with excitement. This is one conversation you don’t want to miss! Please consider passing it along to friends!
The Not-So-Normal Life of Prayerwalking Janet McHenry, Her Story
Prayer Walking Janet McHenry joins Cathy to tell about how a hunger for prayer and better health motivated her to begin prayerwalking. As a young woman walking through her small town each morning, she began to multitask by praying for individuals and businesses along her route. An accomplished writer, soon her agent asked for a book on her exercise habit: prayerwalking. Almost simultaneously, her family began to experience a six-year legal ordeal. Coincidence? You be the judge. Through it all, Janet learned significant lessons about injustice and God’s love of justice. If you’ve ever wondered how to pray, Janet’s insight will encourage and motivate you!

Birthday Mythbusting: Create a Birthday Blessing without Breaking the Bank! Anna Krafve Pierce
Today, Anna and Cathy put their heads together to do some birthday mythbusting. No need for Pinterest Perfect parties! The best parties create birthday blessings for everyone, including Mom. (Especially Mom!) Plus, they don’t have to break the family budget. Enough with over-the-top birthday parties for kids! Dirt piles, black ninjas, tree fort lunches. Ideas for everyone from toddlers to teen. And special ideas for mommy’s birthday, too! Listen in for their trademark funny stories and a list of easy, fun, cheap ideas. FUN birthday parties art here!

Creating a Natural Sanctuary: Backyard Adventures with Anna Krafve Pierce
Co-host Anna Krafve Pierce joins Cathy to inspire us with countless ways to create a natural sanctuary outdoors. Every child deserves a chance to explore and learn from nature in the safety of their own backyard. Yep, even if your backyard is a porch or a balcony! Creating a special outdoor retreat is as simple as inspiring a child’s natural imagination. Plus, Anna throws in some unexpected stories from her own childhood! Anna talks about growing up in a creative household and how that can look for young families today. You won’t want to miss this trip down memory lane with Anna, artist, teacher, entrepreneur, and mom.

Independence Day: How to Foster Independence in Kids and Country with Anna Krafve Pierce
How do we foster healthy independence in our own kids and in our nation? The two seem inseparably linked to me. Anna Krafve Pierce joins her mom to explain how independence in our kids can be a healthy thing. An expert on education, childhood fun, history, and philosophy, Anna brainstorms some fun ways families can foster a respect for sacrifice and history while having a blast! Freedom in our country is linked to nurturing healthy independence in our children’s heart. What Anna says may surprise you.

Father’s Day Fabulous with Anna Krafve Pierce
Anna Krafve Pierce joins her mom to brainstorm answers to some of this week’s most pressing questions. How can we possibly balance life with ear infections, crazy schedules, nonstop chatter, and create a Delightful Dad’s Day? Oh my! Married, single, working, or stay at home, with toddlers or teens, all moms want our own Father’s Day Fabulous! What are some of the easiest, most romantic things you can do for the father of your children? What about when their dad is your ex? Don’t miss all the creative, freedom-loving ideas this mother-daughter team dream up! Honoring ALL the good men in our lives means keeping it simple and keeping it real!

Strong-Willed Women Working Together Her Wisdom with Cynthia Tobias
Tired of folks who tell you to simmer down? Culture Influencer Cynthia Tobias joins Cathy with tips for strong-willed folks of any age. How do you work with folks who tend to be threatened by strong women? We don’t have to apologize for being strong! Strong women can work together without intimidation by focusing on strengths. How do our strengths free us from intimidation? She shared tips for curbing strong wills (yours or your kiddos)! If you struggle to make sense of why God gave you (or your kids) so much determination and drive, you’re gonna love this!
Called to Education in Style, Her Story with Cynthia Tobias
Education Guru Cynthia Tobias joins Cathy to share the story of how God called her to an amazing life as a strong woman. Well-known for her work on learning styles, her multiple books have influenced a whole American education philosophy. From her experience in law enforcement to teaching in High School, she was invited by Focus on the Family to write a book. Her Focus broadcasts are some of the most popular ones ever. Don’t miss what this amazing, strong woman has to say about Gods plan for each of His children!

How to be a Friend Maker, Her Wisdom with SharRon Jamison
SharRon Jamison joins Cathy to talk about how friendships look when we seek our God-given potential together! Because sometimes we all feel left out, anxious, and unloveable, right?! “In fact, some women even shared they felt lonely and felt starved for companionship. They wanted and yearned for confidants; they missed connecting on a deep level. But, they also shared that they feel scared, overwhelmed and isolated because building friendships was so draining or filled with drama,” to quote SharRon’s website. Don’t miss her wisdom on how to claim Relationship GPS and CIA (Constancy, Intimacy, and Accountability) to create healthy, lasting friendships.
Antidote to the Mean Girl Syndrome with SharRon Jamison, Her Story
Who hasn’t felt left out of the in crowd? Ever wonder why your friends care about you? SharRon Jamison epitomizes what it means to be a Friend Maker. A perfect antidote to the Mean Girl Syndrome, Cathy asked SharRon to share from her heart. “Relationships are so important to me. It took years for me to learn how to be a friend,” SharRon says tenderly. Clearly, even the most successful women commonly feel isolated, insecure, and anxious. Every day, women tackle lots of gut-wrenching responsibilities; we need to support each other. Fortunately, healthy friendships provide the security we all need as we courageously take risks. SharRon shares how to put aside self-bullying. Have your kids been bullied at school? Or, maybe you’re discouraged at work or work! She offers wisdom on seeking our God-given potential and embracing our beautiful uniqueness. You won’t want to miss what this amazing woman shares about being a true friend!

Mother’s Day Marvelous with Anna Krafve Pierce
Co-Host Anna Krafve Pierce and Cathy share their best and worst from Mother’s Day past. How do you ask for what you really want? Who do you recruit to help you build the marvelous motherhood moments you’re dreaming about? No more crunchy scrambled egg breakfasts for you! Plus, an easy smeasy craft to regale toddlers. Don’t miss this authentic conversation about turning your Mom’s Day into marvelous!

All Rise for Justice, Trauma-Informed Care with Judge Carol Clark
Hushed whispers accompanied the shuffle of a chained man dressed in an orange jump suit. In this episode, Judge Carole Clark joins Cathy to explain how Trauma Informed Care is bringing real justice to families. Of course, if you’ve ever spent a day in family court as an observer, you know it’s bewildering. Now, with a powerful insider’s perspective and 20 years as a family court judge, Judge Carole is offering hope and healing to families. So, what is Trauma Informed Care and how is it helping?
CPS Worker to Judge: Trauma Informed Care with Judge Carol Clark
Judge Carole Clark learned early in her life to appreciate what the courts could do. Her first job out of college? Child Protective Services. From CPS Worker to judge, she’s seen it all. Now, she shares her story with Cathy in order to call attention to Trauma Informed Care. In the past, family courts tended to see the same families over and over, according to Judge Carole. Obviously, the justice system is groaning under the weight of providing justice to families in crisis. Now, through Trauma Informed Care all those involved in our justice system create dramatic and lasting change in families. If you’ve ever dealt with custody battles or suffered in court, you will not want to miss what the good judge has to say!

Creativity and Redemption: The Art of Messing Up with Anna Krafve Pierce
Co-Host Anna Krafve Pierce joins Cathy to put her creative energy as a mom, artist, and teacher to work for us. Cathy asks Anna questions about the best ways to inspire your creative children to prosper and flourish, especially when you get a few uncharted days together! Starting with her deep conviction that we are ALL creative, Anna offers 3 principles for cherishing your kiddos’ inner inspiration and creativity. How do we make the most of mess ups, in art or in life?! This podcast will energize the way you spend your Easter holiday together.
Compassion Please, One Beloved Doctor’s Story of Abortion with Dr. Grace English
Dr. Grace English joins Cathy to share her story of abortion and recovery. These two dear friends talk at a deeply personal authentic level. How did they make the decision to abort? What did they learn through the experience? How did they each get help? What resources are out there now? How can Christians talk about this topic with compassion? They even share how and why they look forward to meeting their children in heaven. Dr. Grace brings all her medical expertise to the table, along with a healthy dose of compassion, empathy, and yes, her well-known sense of humor and joy. You will want to catch this exceptional conversation on an extremely tough topic.

Compassion, Please! Healing After Abortion with Dr. Grace English, Her Wisdom
“Unfortunately, abortion is equated with politics in this country, but it is so much more than that. This is beyond political lines. This is so personal. People don’t understand that this decision will determine the quality of their life, really for the rest of their life,” Dr. Grace English says. As a physician, she knows more about the physical, emotional, and mental symptoms of trauma after abortion than most folks. Dr. Grace shares her unique viewpoint with Cathy, including a healthy dose of compassion and empathy since she’s post-abortive herself. If you’ve suffered with the trauma that follows abortion, you’ll want to hear what this insightful
Staycations on the Cheap with Anna Krafve

Legacy Building through Art and Chess with James Kemp

Growing Up Apprenticed by an Artist Dad with James Kemp, His Story
Bullying in School, The Story of Megan Meier with Tina Meier
Tina Meier is a national exert on how to protect our children from bullying, cyber-bullying, and suicide. She tells her story and offers advice and comfort to parents about how to help our kids when faced with bullying. In Megan’s case, an adult set up a false identity, pretended to be a friend, then attack with vicious cyberbullying. According Tina cyberbullying is especially destructive because “everybody knows.” She tells her story so other parents never experience the trauma and tragedy she did. Riveting and filled with truth, don’t miss Tina’s story in her own voice!
Bullying in School, Her Wisdom with Tina Meier , How to Help Our Kids
Parenting Your Parents: Learning to Laugh Together with Charlotte Canion, Her Wisdom

Please God! How do I take Care of Myself, too? Forgiving, Loving, and Care-giving Your Parents With Charlotte Canion
Open with Your Broken with Dana Goodrum, Her Story

The Transparent Christian with Dana Goodrum, Reckless Pursuit, Her Wisdom
Raising Musical Children for Musically-Challenged Mommies with Anna Krafve Pierce

Christmas with Small Children? The Gift of Freedom from Holiday Stress with Anna Krafve Pierce
Live with Passion, Work on Purpose with Dr. Alise Cortez, Her Wisdom

Her Story: Path to Passion and Purpose with Dr. Alise Cortez
The Thanksgiving Kit: Hiding the Squirrel and Finding the Nuts

Making Thanksgiving a Family Favorite with Anna Krafve Pierce
Her Story: When Stressful Life Calls for Grit with Henda Salmeron, Dense Breast Tissue

Her Wisdom: Dense Breast Tissue and Henda’s Law with Henda Salmeron
Her Wisdom, What Happens When Mom has Breast Cancer? with Sasha Vukelja, Care Giving
Her Story: Seeds of Generational Care Giving with Sasha Vukelja
Women of Influence, Her Story: Generosity as an Inheritance with Dawn Franks
Women of Influence, Her Wisdom: Giving Fingerprints with Dawn Franks
Mental Health,Her Story: Depression or Anxiety vs. Exercise and Self-Compassion with Colleen Long
Mental Health, Her Wisdom: Stretching Beyond to Confidence and Energy with Colleen Long
Relationship SuperHeroes. His Story: Making Good Decisions for Your Family with Benjamin A. Simpson
Relationship SuperHeroes. His Wisdom: Tallying Family Values with Benjamin A. Simpson
Unity in Community. His Wisdom: Separation of Church and State with Neal Katz
Unity in Community. His Story: The Spirituality of Service, with Neal Katz
Raising Creative Kids. Her Wisdom: Fostering a Community Filled with Scientific Discovery, with Whitney Patterson
Raising Creative Kids. Her Story: Giving Them a Childhood Filled with Wonder, with Whitney Patterson
Women of Influence. Her Story: Discovering the Artist Within with Neita Fran Ward
Women of Influence. Her Wisdom: Unleashing Creativity with Neita Fran Ward
Entrepreneurship. His Wisdom: Stewarding Resources and Relationships with James Van Dyke
Entrepreneurship. His Story: Digging into the Environmental Dirt with James Van Dyke
Relationship SuperHeroes. Where Love Lives with Suzy Shepherd
Relationship SuperHeroes. Her Story: Brokenness and Beyond with Suzy Shepherd
Freedom and Our Kids. Her Wisdom: How to Respond When Your Child Goes to Jail with Lori Boruff
Freedom and Our Kids. Her Story: When They Lead Your Son Away in Handcuffs with Lori Boruff
Outside the Box. Her Wisdom, Translating Compassion into Fiction Writing with Sandra Merville Hart
Outside the Box. Her Story, Discovering the Writer Within featuring Sandra Merville Hart
Joy in Education. Her Wisdom: Justice for All with Sarah Cumming
Joy in Education. Her Story: Love, Education, Justice, and a Woman in Community with Sarah Cumming
Freedom for Men. Their Wisdom: Success in the Battle for Purity with Dave Howe
Freedom for Men: Their Story: Living Pure with Dave and Barb Howe
Freedom for Men. His Wisdom: How Wives can Battle for their Husband’s Significance with Jon Drury
Freedom for Men. His Story: How Successful Men Battle for Significance With Jon Drury
Fatherhood. His Wisdom, Easy Ways to Transform Your Parenting with Chris Legg
Fatherhood. His Story: How Talk of Suicide Changed His Perspective on Ministry with Chris Legg
Fatherhood: Myth-busting about Mentoring with Tony Johnson
In this episode, civic leader Tony Johnson joins Cathy to blow away the myths we may all believe about mentoring young people. Is it too big of a commitment? Will it cost your whole family? If I only have an hour a week, can I even make a difference? Cathy asks Tony all the hard “let’s get real” questions. You won’t want to miss his answers. (We love the way his deep chuckle reassures Cathy that she is not alone in asking.). If you’ve ever considered mentoring, but felt afraid, you’ll love this! Tony offers tips on finding appropriate boundaries, followed by lots of success for everyone, especially the kids you take on.
Fatherhood: Qualified to Mentor with Tony Johnson
Unexpected Parenting. Her Wisdom: How to Encourage Families with Unexpected Differences with Katie Butts
Unexpected Parenting. Her Story: When an Infant’s Physical Disability is Diagnosed During Pregnancy with Katie Butts
Families and Suicide. Her Wisdom: Celebrating the Beautiful Life of A Sibling with Marcie McSwane
Family and Suicide. Her Story: How Siblings Suffer and Heal with Marcie McSwane
Family and Suicide. His Wisdom: When Mental Illness Strikes Your Family with Doug McSwane
Family and Suicide. His Story: A Father’s Story of his Son’s Suicide with Doug McSwane
Safe and Secure. Her Wisdom: Balancing our Finances to Create Multigenerational Wealth with Marina Schroeder
Safe and Secure. Her Story: Overcoming Stress to Own Our Success with Marina Schroeder
Safe and Secure. Her Wisdom: The Value of Intuition and Healing in Community with Sandy Bristow
Safe and Secure. Her Story: Escaping a Sexual Predator with Sandy Bristow
Racial Unity. His Wisdom: The Empowered Community with Stanley Cofer
Racial Unity. His Story: The Desegregated Life with Stanley Cofer
Racial Unity. His Wisdom: Meals from Mars, When Two Universes Collide with Ben Sciacca
Racial Unity. His Story: Overcoming Racism with Unity, with Meals from Mars author, Ben Sciacca
Taboo Topics. Her Wisdom: Easy Does It; Passing Along Hard-Won Wisdom with Mary Ottman
Taboo Topics. Her Story: Sexual Assault and Courage with Mary Ottman
Taboo Topics. Her Wisdom: What’s so special about CARE? (Or, How Abortion Affects the Church and Community) with B.J. Garrett
Taboo Topics. Her Story: Serious Symptoms of Post-Abortion Syndrome with B.J. Garrett
Single and Strong. Her Wisdom: Excellence and Influence after Divorce with Darlene Marshall
Single and Strong. Her Story: Serving God with Excellence when Mental Illness Strikes Your Family with Darlene Marshall
Single and Strong: How to be Your Family’s Champion with Sandra Beck
Single and Strong: When is Enough Enough with Sandra Beck
Care Giving: After Breast Cancer, What I Wish My Family Understood with Susan Ellsworth
Care Giving: Oncology Nurse Beats Breast Cancer with Susan Ellsworth
Care Giving: Art as Therapy in Community with Frankie Picasso
Care Giving: The Collision of Life and Art in Chronic Pain with Frankie Picasso
Care Giving: Ripple Effect of Respecting Elders with Robin Boyd
Care Giving: Making the Most of Multigenerational Families with Robin Boyd
We LOVE to Hear From YOU!
Please send us your suggestions for future show topics or help us invite guests to Fireside Talk Radio. You can sign up for my Newsletter by clicking here. So, whatever else you do today – whether you are on your recumbent bike, walking your neighborhood, traveling, or letting your brain switch gears for a minute – thank you for joining us and sharing Fireside Talk Radio with your friends!
Truth with Texas Twang spoken here!
Cathy Krafve, Texas Author, Columnist, Speaker, and Radio Personality, focusing on fellowship in Christian Marriage and Family, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at CathyKrafve.com. Truth with a Texas Twang.
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