Drug Addiction and Your Child: You are NOT Alone.

I fell in love with Bobbie Ziemer’s beautiful heart. And with her great courage to pull together a book about Drug Addiction. Bobbie Ziemer with her daughter Madison celebrating Fall at the elementary school a few years ago. If you found this blog because you are...

The Drug Pandemic. Not in Vain: Real Addiction. Real Pain.

The drug pandemic took one of her children. But Bobbie Ziemer decided, “Not in vain!”  Lord willing.  Today’s blog is dedicated to Madison Ziemer Cross in remembrance of her beautiful life and honoring the anniversary of her entrance to heaven on October 10,...

Recipes to Teach Hospitality and Reading: Welcome to My Kitchen

Nothing beats great recipes to get kids in the kitchen and reading! My childhood copy of Cooking Through Rose-Colored Glasses is falling apart! Welcoming kids into the world of reading is as simple as sharing a favorite family recipe in your kitchen. Yes, women have...

Bedtime Stories and Pajama Parties: Inspiring Your Kids to Love Reading

Kids’ Rules and Skittles make for a many happy faces when we play games. “All my pajama stories involve our cousins and the silly things we did,” reported Anna when I asked her to talk about how bedtime stories and pajama parties help kids read. “It’s less...

Racism Vs. Prejudice: Inspiring Bold and Noble Ideas

Find a simple, yet thorough history of our national anthem. The words we choose prove whether we prefer cowardly or courageous ideas. How do we, like our forefathers, embolden our children with noble ideas? For a perfect example, should we use the term racism vs....

Wholehearted Marriages: A Gift for the Strong at Heart

Scott and Kristen cut up together. Our world sure needs more wholehearted marriages! Scott Kedersha and his family have experienced two different thriving churches now. Why are some churches thriving? Perhaps the secret is in the way they welcome brokenhearted people....