Identity and Divine Design: Fostering a Confident Heart with Robin Melvin

Honestly, I know something about losing my identity. At one point, I called a dear friend and asked, “Would you go to lunch with me and remind me who I am?” How sad!  Robin Melvin talks true identity. God’s design is divine! But seriously, a lot of women...

Conversations with Anna: Our Most Popular Podcasts

First thing, I took a long hard look at our episodes to discover what YOU like! Which Conversations with Anna were your favorites? Yep, I’m rebooting on our website. So much content, now so much easier to find. Wanna know what’s popular and...

Changing the Culture One Conversation at a Time

Recently, I got to be on Tammy Whitehurst’s show “Tammy and Friends” to talk about wrestling with relationships. And the sad state of conversation in America. Almost immediately, we jumped to changing the culture one conversation at time. Think American cultural...

Faith and Medicine: Dr. Jim McAndrew Talks about a Dialogue

Hi! Today, Dr. James McAndrew talks about faith and medicine. Dr. Jim McAndrew, shown here with one of our favorite people, his wife, whom he credits with helping him understand faith. In five years, he’s the first guest who sent me their testimony ahead of time. His...

Treatments for E.D.: Wives CAN Help with Dr. James McAndrew 

Retired Urologist Dr. Jim McAndrew talks about treatments for E.D. on Fireside Talk Radio. Find our other interview. This week, Dr. James McAndrew returns to answer more questions about E.D. (erectile dysfunction) treatments.  ❤️ And we’re celebrating...