CathyKrafve@gmail.comI finally got an award a few years back. My very own. My shelf was full of trophies, none of them mine. In the meantime, I collected the trophies my children earned in a thousand grand accomplishments of their youth. Moms spend our days coaching everyone else, in the gentlest possible ways, of course. But, does anyone ever get the credit we deserve?

The Truth about Credit and Blame

Especially as parents, we all find ourselves telling the truth to others about their bad behavior. On the other hand, we sure as heck don’t like it when someone points out our bad attitudes. Truth is just the trickiest thing, isn’t it? Honestly, sometimes we avoid truth because it’s painful.

“I’ll take the blame now because it’ll be credit later,” said my hubby years ago in a moment when he had to stand up for what was right. We’ve been quoting him ever since.

So, will we get the credit we deserve when we stand up and tell the truth?

In one of my very favorite places in the Bible, John 4, we find the answer to that important question. Will we ever get the credit we deserve?

Yes and No

The answer is yes. And, probably not. (Said in Eeyore’s voice.)

First, the Woman at the Well brings all those people in her community to Jesus, thus forever changing the way they would think about literally everything. Her. Whole. Community. Pretty heady stuff, to change your community for good forever, right? If only we could change whole communities for good!

Somebody thought she deserved credit. I’ll bet they even suspected she wouldn’t get the credit she deserved. Yet, thousands of years later, we’re still reading about her impact because someone insightful noted the credit she was due in the New Testament.

And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did,” from John 4:39.

The Comedy of Credit

That’s where it gets comical to me. The very people she brought to Jesus made a point of telling her they believed, “not because of what you said.” Yep, they saw for themselves, from verse 42.

Fortunately, both are true. Of course, they believed because of Jesus’ own words. He always deals with us individually. Just as He invites us to be a part of the process collaboratively, too.

Qualified or Disqualified? Credited or Discredited?

In a nutshell, here’s what we know about influence from John 4 and the Woman at the Well. First, nothing in our past disqualifies us. Second, we are qualified for influence if we are ready to recognize the Savior of the world. If we condemn others, we disqualify ourselves. But, if we share truth compassionately, then we become people of influence who plant seeds of freedom and joy in the lives of those we love.

The One who Invented Compassion Chose Not to Condemn

Most significantly, like He sought out the Woman at the Well, Jesus seeks us out. Maybe today He’s seeking you and you kinda know it. Maybe you want to let go of past hurts. Wouldn’t it feel great to put aside your tasks and ask Him what’s His purpose for your life? Maybe you need a Savior. Don’t we all? I know I do.

If you have never asked Jesus to be your Savior, it’s very easy to do so in a simple prayer, like this, “Jesus, please be my Savior.”

If, like the Samaritans in John 4, you recognize Jesus as the Savior of the world, please tell someone today. Trusting Jesus is the best decision of your life. No matter what you decide, I hope you know you’re loved.

May I pray for you?

Dear Father, here are Your dear ones again. Just waiting to talk to You. Maybe today we feel a little discouraged because we don’t seem to get credit for all our hard work. Or, worse, maybe today we’re getting backlash and blame for taking a truthful stand. I hate days that have blame and yucky stuff in them! Be our Friend now, dear Savior of the world. Help us recognize You. It’s Your approval that makes our hearts happy. We let go of our need for trophies. We honor You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Cathy Krafve, Texas Author, Columnist, Speaker, and Radio Host, focusing on fellowship in Christian Marriage and Family, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at Truth with a Texas Twang.