Speaking Up When It Costs You, Balaam’s Bad Ass, CathyKrafve.comEver wonder if it’s worth it to speak up when it costs you? Haven’t we all! Fortunately, we’re not alone. Certainly, it’s an age-old problem. For instance, consider an ancient story about a bad ass with a message she was determined to deliver. Amazingly, Balaam’s donkey understood the art of speaking up when it costs you.

Balaam’s Bad Ass

Most people have struggled with speaking up at one time or another. Then, when we finally do try speaking up, it can feel like we get whipped up on for it. So, is speaking up still worth it when it costs you? Yes, of course. Just take Balaam’s bad ass for an example.

Ironically, Balaam means destruction. My goodness, you gotta wonder what his mom was thinking. One day, Balaam was riding his donkey on a journey, accompanied by his two human servants. (Of course, they were humans, but, I just wanted to give the the donkey a little credit here for being a servant, too). Significantly, the donkey in the Bible story was a jenny ass, not a jack ass. I’m pretty sure there’s a moral here somewhere about listening when females are speaking up. 

According to Wikipedia, the “wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass,” Is it just me or is this entertaining trivia? Who knew a wild ass is a real thing? But, perhaps we digress. Back to the donkey in question.

Speaking Up When it Costs You

As they went along, the donkey turned aside and wandered into a field. Sadly, even though this was not her normal behavior, Balaam didn’t stop to figure out what could be wrong with his donkey. Instead, he struck her with his fancy cane. Apparently, Balaam had never heard of horse whispering.

Next, as they are proceeding down a narrow path, the donkey pressed him against a stone wall, crushing his foot. This really bugged Balaam, so he  struck her again. This time, she laid down and refused to budge. By now, Balaam was angry. so, he let her have it again with his cane.

She’s Speaking Up

Imagine Balaam’s surprise when the donkey spoke to him. (As if she hadn’t already been communicating plenty.) Yep, the donkey talks. And you thought C. S. Lewis invented talking animals.

“What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times,” she asks.

“Because you have abused me. I wish there were a sword in my hand, for now I would kill you!” Balaam responded. Was he hallucinating? How could he possibly be having a conversation with a donkey? There’s much to chuckle about in this amazing story, but don’t ya love the way the donkey is the sensible one?

Out Of the Ordinary Behavior

“Am I not your donkey on which you have ridden, ever since I became yours, to this day? Was I ever disposed to do this to you?” she asks, speaking  up with obvious logic.

“No.” Oops.

Suddenly, in a split second, Balaam saw more of the story. Standing ahead of him is the Angel of the Lord, sword drawn in His hand. How ironic, given Balaam’s tacky threat to his donkey about swords.

The story has a happy ending, though. Balaam repented on the spot of his bad attitude. He got to deliver four messages, sometimes called prophecies or blessings, from God. Yep, Balaam was a prophet who was inspired to speak up, too. There’s comfort in knowing God uses humble folks, in spite of our mistakes. By humble folks, I mean Balaam, not the donkey. She was a badass!

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

A talking female donkey. A dangerous angel with a sword. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s just one of many highly entertaining and insightful stories told in the Bible.

If you’re not familiar with the Bible’s amazing, often hilarious stories–some of the best literature ever created–I suggest you begin in Genesis or Exodus. But brace yourself, some of the stories read like soap operas.

 It seems the Author of scripture respects our human love of drama and fallible protagonists. Respects? Heck, He created our love of stories! If you’re still not sure where to start, just email me a quick note. I have my favorites and I’d love to share them with you!

The Moral of the Story

What’s the moral of Balaam’s story? If your donkey talks to you, you may not be hallucinating. Just kidding. Okay, what about this moral instead? God will find ways to communicate with us, if we are willing to hear what He has to say. Or, God uses us to serve others, if we humble our heart’s attitude. But, my personal favorite: When a badass speaks up, especially if she tends to be servant-hearted, we better listen up. Maybe this one: Speaking up when it costs you may get you a noteworthy spot in history. To find the story, go to Numbers 22-24.

Feel free to create your own moral to go with Balaam’s story. Clearly, I’m in no position to judge when it comes to creative morals. Likewise, the endings of all your personal sacred stories are also a work in progress with many possible morals for you to claim. However, getting up the courage to tell your stories is key to the process. Certainly, speaking up assertively for the joy of mutual understanding and relationship blesses others. Above all, may God grant you with trustworthy companions in this journey!

May I pray for you?

Father, You have been communicating with us from the beginning. You created humans to love a good story. Thank You for the scribes, who took the time to capture these beautiful stories in scripture. Thank You for all the ways these stories enlighten us about You. We chuckle at some stories and sober up at others. Mercifully, themes of salvation, forgiveness, and companionship run throughout all the stories in the Bible. For that, we are especially grateful. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.

We love to hear from you!

What’s your favorite story and why? Which place in scripture speaks to you every time you read it? How are you using stories in your home to instill wisdom to your family?

Your Chance to Win!

As this week comes to a close, I get to email the winners of our free give-away. A BIG special thanks to Dana Goodrum, for sharing five–YES, cOuNT ‘eM, FIVE–books to give my friends! Five copies of Open With Your Broken. Now, that’s just pure power and fun! Pass this email along to your friends so they can sign up NOW to get a chance to win!

More Stories and Wisdom to Bless Our Hearts!

If you love getting free insight from other folks about the challenges we all face at work and home, you may love these podcasts we did with some of our favorite wise experts: James Van Dyke, Lori Boruff, Jon Drury, and Mary Ottman. Also, we can’t wait to share the cool stuff Charlotte Canion wow-ed us with on a recent Fireside Talk Radio about Parenting Your Parents! Watch for coming adventures here!!

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Cathy Krafve, Columnist, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, and Christian Writer, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at CathyKrafve.com. Truth with a Texas Twang.