Camp KrafveWhat is Camp Krafve?

Many of my friends have asked me, “What in the world are you doing?!” Good question. Folks even try to reserve a week. So, I thought I’d take a minute to explain. What is Camp Krafve anyway? Camp Krafve is not a place. It’s a lifestyle. 

Camp Krafve

As a youngster I only sorta understood why my dad, an Eagle Scout, always made us pick up other people’s cigarette butts and candy wrappers when we arrived at our camp site. Later, as we loaded our gear to go home, we always stacked a neat pile of fallen wood for the next campers to enjoy. Dad was a big believer in leaving the place better than we found it. Maybe you, too, get the idea of making the place better?

Why now? Why us?

But, why bother to put ourselves out there at this point in life when we could simply retire? For us, it started with a book. I wrote a manual for my kids about how to create a family that’s rich in fellowship and community. They loved it. I kept returning to the copy store to get the darn thing copied for their friends. Before long, it morphed into three books filled with stories my mom and dad loved to tell, a kind of generational campsite clean-up for family life. Maybe your family, too, has stories that encourage others.

Marriage and Family gets Complicated

David and I almost tossed in the towel at one point. It took us years to figure out what a complimentary marriage could look like for us. By complimentary, I mean, like a setting compliments the stones in a diamond ring. We wanted a shiny marriage.

Camp Krafve is our family’s answer to what the world could look like if we devoted the last of our lives to leaving the camp ground better than we found it. Maybe you would like to join us in passing along ideas that make life better.

Our Platform – Yours and Mine

Publishing gurus told me nobody publishes books unless you have a platform. Next thing you know I’m an accidental blogger. Publishers kept asking about “my” platform. But, we discovered God intended it to be “our” platform, the platform of all my gloriously wise friends. Yep, that’s the biggest blessing of all, hosting a platform that allows others to tell their amazing stories and share their profound wisdom. Can life get any better than that? Maybe you have a story you’d like to share.

May I pray for you?

Dear Father in heaven, just when we feel like giving up, somehow You find a way to remind us that we are dear to You. Help us live like shiny diamonds. Let us reflect Your glory and light. Give us hearts that embrace others and welcome into fellowship with You, all of us rejoicing together. Teach us to share our vulnerable, sacred stories with tenderness and compassion. We choose to trust You. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Upcoming Adventures, Prayer Needed 

We would appreciate your prayers as we post the beautiful stories our friends generously share. NEXT UP: Watch for Doug McSwane, and his daughter Marcie, who came on Fireside Talk Radio recently to share how to comfort families dealing with mental health and suicide. Find the podcasts here. You won’t want to miss those. Please share them, so many will be blessed by their loving courage.

We’d love to hear from you!

Our best days are when a reader or listener emails us with their own wisdom and stories. Blessing! ⭐️Cathy ⭐️

Cathy Krafve, Texas Author, Columnist, Speaker, and Radio Host, focusing on fellowship in Christian Marriage and Family, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at Truth with a Texas Twang.