What a treat to talk to this good man again! I haven’t seen him since college, but, oh, how his work and life are still inspiring me! Forty years later, I had a chance to sit down with Josh McDowell recently.

God Seeks Us Out

All other religions told me I must work hard to be perfect enough for God. Christians explained a new idea to me. God was seeking me out. I became a Christian because I was a pragmatist.

In fact, God knew me so well, he already took into account my inability to be good enough for, well, anything, really. (For more on how God seeks you out, click here.)

Josh McDowell and CRU

I gobbled up Josh’s books when I was a baby Christian, particularly More Than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict. In fact, I got to hear him speak at fraternity houses on campus and attended a number of youth conferences. Then, I left college, moved from Texas to California and spent two years with CRU at their headquarters applying my communications education. What a thrill!

Seeing Josh brought back a bunch of happy memories of my early faith. I was a baby Christian, but I was growing like a weed. I traveled to Japan and China. While there, I learned to tell people about the wonderful Savior, Jesus, whom I still love.

Back Then. Even Now.

All this happened because a group of friends, particularly my sister, kept telling me God was seeking me out. They kept at it until I finally believed them. God could love even me!

Isn’t it wonderful when God drops a little blessing in our path? Getting to laugh with Josh after all these years–what a fun, unexpected mini-miracle! Here’s a shout out to my friend Margarite, who thought to text me and tell me Josh was in town. (James Dill, Founder of Shepherd’s Heart shares more ways God surprises us here.)

Yep, even today, God still surprises me with his care and love. He expresses it in a thousand ways, using unexpected people. I hope you day is filled with evidence of his love for you, dear one!

May we pray together?

Dear perfect and loving Father, we are amazed at your creativity. In a thousand ways you express love for us. Sometimes, we are so distracted we don’t even notice. Yet, you wait patiently to lavish your love on each one of us. For this dear reader now I pray. May this beloved one know just how fervently you seek their companionship and respond with joy. May we know you in the most sacred places of our hearts. Bless us now because it is your heart’s desire to bless us. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

We LOVE to hear from you!

What are some mini-miracles God sent your way today? How has your faith grown in the last few years? What is your favorite way to encourage your kids and grandkids about God’s love for them?

Cathy Krafve, Columnist, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, and Christian Writer, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at CathyKrafve.com. Truth with a Texas Twang.