Just for YOU, we’ve been busy interviewing some of leading experts on parenting. Because we all want to raise resilient, healthy adults. Basically, the kind of confident, compassionate adult children we want to hang out with later.  

On a Personal Note

Parenting: Raising Resilient Healthy Adults

If you’ve missed me, I’ve been busy writing the initial manuscript for our parenting book!

Since it’s a sequel to Marriage Conversations, I bet we call it, Parenting Conversations. I’m really excited about getting it off to my editor. I can’t wait to share it with you!

It’s full of stories about what I’m learning from my grown kids as they parent. ❤️

If you want to join my Book Launch Team, I promise to only send you goodies, like insider info and special treats, and not to fill up your inbox with junk. (I hate it when people clutter up my inbox with junk!)

Parenting: Creating A Healthy Childhood 

Obviously, creating a healthy childhood for kids doesn’t mean we protect them from every ache and pain. So, yes, this list includes lots of fun stuff to do as a family. Ways to inspire wonder and creativity in your children’s hearts. 

But our list also includes how to pick up the pieces when the unexpected strikes. You’re gonna love what these down-to-earth experts have to say.

Parenting Podcasts

Surprisingly, I find some of the serious titles below encouraging. For instance, popular topics like suicide and divorce tell me proactive parents are seeking good information rather than drowning in fear. 

Plus, we’re offering tested information from trusted, humble experts. Win-win!

Drum Roll for Number One!

I really can’t get enough of her sweet family. Last time we were together, their family traveled America in an RV! We recorded this video just for you. Now they’re living and ministering in Africa.

Apparently, I’m not Brooke’s only fan, since her other podcast came in at #2!

More Parenting Ideas For Confident Adults

Overcoming Trauma With Victory

Parenting Aches and Pain: Cathy’s “Diagnosis and Treatments”

My dad was a doctor, but I’ve never even played one on TV! Still, from Dad, I learned the value of a good diagnosis. How can you treat a problem if you don’t know what the problem is? 

If you’re looking down this list looking for solutions, you’ve come to the right place. You won’t find these in any medical books. I’m no expert. I’m just a sympathetic fellow parent. 

As always, I strongly support seeking out professional help. But how do we figure out where to begin? Hopefully something here will give you a starting point. We share questions real parents sent in. So, we’re not alone. Nice!

Conversations with Anna CathyKrafve.com

Conversations with Anna Top 10: Parenting

Dave and I learn so much from our kids and their friends parent. Yeah, that’s a little humbling. But so sweet. 

I guess it just proves our kids are NOT doomed to repeat our mistakes. What a relief!

Anna Krafve Pierce is one of our favorite young parents.

People LOVE Anna’s podcasts. So, I gave her a special button all her own. Just for YOU, here are her Top Ten. (But find tons more by clicking her button!)

Thank YOU!

None of these great conversations would get out in our culture without YOU! We believe good communication makes good humans. Please pray about who you could share these amazing experts with. Thank you for creating a better culture together one family, one conversation at a time!


Fireside Talk Radio's Cathy Krafve with her two books
For The Well, Marriage Conversations or more FTR.


We LOVE to hear from YOU!

What is your greatest parenting challenge? How has your creativity paid off in a parenting moment? Besides you, who has had the most influence on your child for better or worse?

May we pray together?

Dear good Father, You understand the heartaches that go with parenting. And the sacrificial love and unsurpassed joy. Thank You for loving Your children with unfailing love. Thank you for being strong when we are weak. We are grateful for Your tough love just as we praise You for Your tenderness. Thank You for always keeping our best interests at heart. Teach us to parent like You, dear One. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so we walk with You in sweet companionship hour by hour. Thank You for never deserting us! Bless us now because that is Your heart’s desire. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Cathy Krafve, host of Fireside Talk Radio and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations and Marriage Conversation: From Coexisting to Cherished. Your stories, ideas, and questions welcomed here!

❤️ Truth with a Texas Twang! ❤️