I voted. Yep, with the sticker to prove it!

Liberal, conservative, AND moderate? What do those words even mean anymore? Don’t you hate it when folks highjack words?

Did you know you can be liberal, conservative, AND moderate? Simultaneously. Yep, and without swaying in the political wind, lacking conviction (the new definition of moderate).

Originally, the words, liberal and conservative and moderate, were not even rooted in politics. Naturally, this is why it’s good to have old folks around. Because we remember stuff. Like common sense.

For an upcoming series on reading, Anna and I took a hard look at what great words liberal, conservative, moderate used to be. Happily, mid-summer always gets me thinking. Of course, Anna and I want to encourage you and your reading-averse child, so watch for our upcoming series on literacy.

In the process we decided to reclaim words. Liberal, conservative, moderate, for example. This not about politics for us. It’s about the culture we love. The words we love. The people we love. 

Do you want your children to be conservative or liberal or moderate? Certainly, if you’re smart, you want them to be ALL three.

Our Definitions of Liberal, Conservative, and Moderate

Naturally, you won’t find our definitions in any dictionary.

  • Liberal—Life-long learning about the generosity of sharing yourself
  • Conservative—Life-long learning about how to steward resources wisely to have something wonderful to share
  • Moderate—the lifelong process of learning to judiciously take into account others’ perspectives without compromising personal conviction.

Make no mistake, creating villains is all about control. You know, ratings, political savvy, sound bites, power mongering. Fortunately, our definitions more accurately tell the truth than anything you’ll see on the nightly news.

Enough stereotyping to villainize and divide. If we want to heal our culture, we better get back to defining our words with understanding.

The First, Second, and Third Amendment Build On Each Other

Independence Day is usually when I extols the virtue of newspapers and the First Amendment. I also like to talk about the Second Amendment. One of my pet peeves is when reporters and politicians forget the reason for the Second Amendment. 

Why do American citizens have the right to bear arms? To protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. Our right to bear arms is not about bad guys with guns. (Find more on raising liberty-loving kids.)

The Third Amendment follows the Second, clarifying one big reason our forefathers knew the Second Amendment necessary. 

Maybe you don’t know what the Third Amendment says. No surprise. Our education system is failing history. American children are not being taught to understand our forefather’s experience. The failure is systemic, not limited to only one overlooked perspective.

Do you define yourself as a liberal, conservative, or a moderate? No matter. If you let powerful interests fool you on the crucial Second and Third Amendment, shame on you. 

Our forefathers paid a high price for our liberty. We should guard it with self-education.

But does anyone ever talk about the Third Amendment? Heck no! For more on that sign up for my blog. I’ll send you the article I wrote in 2016 for the Bullard Banner about the Third Amendment.

Independent Newspapers

Anyway, independent is a word you rarely hear used truthfully about media anymore. Yet, all over Texas and the rest of the United States small independent newspapers still struggle to publish the day’s news unencumbered by monopolizing big interests. 

If you really want to celebrate July 4th, subscribe to a local newspaper today. (Or check out my recent interview on KETK.)

Coming Soon: Why the Word Racism Doesn’t Cut It

Very soon, I’m writing about another word that’s been abused: racism. So, stay tuned. I promise to make you pause.

Happy Independence Day to you and your family. And especially to those who defend freedom at risk to their own life! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

Thank you to our friends at Valerosa Designs and Gallery for offering signed copies of my books.



We LOVE to hear from YOU!

How does your family celebrate God’s blessing of freedom? When you think of great American heroes, who do you think of? How are you honoring God’s gift of our free will?

May we pray together?

Dear good Father, You are the Author of Freedom. In fact, every good thing comes down from You, The Father of lights. As we celebrate with firecrackers under the stars this week, help us remember Your mercy and lovingkindness. As generations gather on lawns across this land, let us thank You for the sacrifices made by so many. May we ever praise the name of the One who made the ultimate sacrifice for us, Jesus. Let us draw near to You and be grateful for the companionship You offer through Your Son. Bless us now because that’s Your heart’s desire. In His mighty name we pray. Amen.

The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations CathyKrafve.com
Thanks to Elk Lake Publishing for partnering with us on The Well.
Marriage Conversations: From Coexisting to Cherished. Our latest book. Packed with good stuff!
Thank you to CrossRiver Media for partnering with us on Marriage Conversations.

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Cathy Krafve, Speaker, Host of Fireside Talk Radio, and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations and Marriage Conversation: From Coexisting to Cherished. We invite you to join the Fireside Tribe. Truth with a Texas Twang